[hider=Dis Bitch] [hider=Hooded Appearance][img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/df/99/aa/df99aaa604f5b17e0d1f81fb69ce5c46.jpg [/img][/hider] [hider=Second Appearance][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Marceline.Abadeer.full.1922697.jpg [/img][/hider] [hider=True Appearance][img]http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss139/Laetus-Dichrous/168729.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Rune][img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5349832/il_fullxfull.282013620.jpg [/img][/hider] [u]Name:[/u] Isabella Hope Ferrara Appearance: Her general body shape is average, not fat yet not skin and bones. She uses mild amounts of makeup with the occasional red lipstick. She decorates her names with simple dark blue nail polish most of the time. She also has a noticeable purple rune on her mid back, about 2 inches below her shoulders. [u]Height:[/u] 5’8’’ [u]Age:[/u] 18 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Human…? [u]Power:[/u] Isabella powers resides in the use of portals. These portals have a myriad of uses and capabilities. They can be used to summon weaponry, creatures(though usually nothing too complex and since it’s being transported, there’s no guarantee how well it’ll work), basic items, and other such things. They must immediately be put back into portals after use though, as they tend to have essences of her portal on them that, otherwise, could lead to unknown issues. Where they come from is currently unknown. However, it’s not limited to bringing objects to her location. She can effectively teleport herself or other beings to other locations in the world within an instant. However, she must have an idea of where she would like to go and the location. This is usually done by access of a phone she obtained with Google Earth on it. The moment she knows where to go, the act is simple. Such long trips cause massive energy drains upon her, usually leading to her having to rest for some time, usually about 6 hours. Despite these advantages, Isabella has faults. Being quick on the draw of her portals takes far more concentration and is easier said than done. Closing portals themselves even takes a decent amount of focus. Overuse of portals can also lead to exhaustion and, even quicker than that, headaches and nosebleeds. Adding to that, the large she makes a portal, the more strain she endures and having multiple portals open at a time or creating multiple portals in rapid succession can drain her fast. She also is not accustomed to combat with the portals, primarily focusing on simply just grabbing things from her portals if need be. On top of that, she herself isn't very physically strong and isn’t very suited for combat. If someone were to get in close, she’s effectively defenseless outside of quick wit and thinking. She also tends to get frustrated easily in combat, making her even more vulnerable. Usually to make up for her poor defense, she summons something in front of her to protect her from oncoming hits. The only really notable equipment is the hoodie she wears. It’s a hood that can change her appearance ever so slightly. It can shift between many other appearances, but the one defect is that they have to have a similar facial structure as her. With the right observance(and due to Isabella only really switching between 3 different appearances), it’s easy enough to tell it’s her. That, and it only changes the face. The body is left alone and should the hoodie be removed, its effects vanish as well. [u]Personality:[/u] The best term to describe Isabella is...awkward? Yeah, awkward is rather fitting. Awkward in the sense of interaction. She isn’t the type to completely stammer around her speech every time she opens her mouth, but she tends to not completely know what to say to start conversations. In fact, it’s not uncommon for her to try...pointing at things of interest in a desperate bid to talk to people. She also tends to talk on and on when she’s nervous(which usually only happens when she felt she’s said something weird) Despite this, she still tries to be a decently friendly person when approached. She’s the type who always shimmers and brightens up when she learns about new things(nerd) and will try her damndest to learn more about it until she’s satisfied. She tries to be a cheery individual and an optimist at times, if a bit naive, though when things seem rather impossible, she has a tendency to panic. She’s admittedly the lazy type, at least with things she’s not entirely invested in, and while she does have a sense of dedication for subjects she knows requires it, otherwise she tries to find easier ways to do it. Except for school shockingly. In fact, she has a surprising fascination with school itself and even learning. Another defining point is her desire to avoid conflict. She will have arguments if she feels she must(though it isn’t often), but actually fighting isn’t a preference usually. Usually when she does, she tries to just stay back and take care of things at a distance. [u]Background:[/u] Isabella comes from a simple family. A single child, it was always a case of getting advice from her parents or her friends. Either that, or just experimenting to see how things worked in life. She lived in your usual neighborhood, talked with her friends, and went on to school for her years of life. There wasn’t truly much of note as she considered it any girl or guy's usual school life, though she did face occasional bullies from her unusual life of studying. However, at the age of 15, she mysteriously found herself slowly sinking into her bed. She wasn’t sinking as in “her bed was that soft,” but instead she was sinking into a strange black hole inside the lower part of the bed. Almost immediately, she jumped out in fear as she shouted for her parents. After an awkward morning of explanations, it was made apparent that her family had the uncanny ability to make portals that’s been going down for generations. Throughout the rest of her high school life, she tried keeping her powers a secret to her family. Occasionally, however, she’d sneak off and explore the world with these powers and go to places that most girls her age just couldn’t. Then she got the letter from Pakora Academy. Gleaming at the fact that she could go somewhere where others were like her, she convinced her parents to help her sign up. Not too many months afterwards, she was packed and ready to go. Her parents also lent her a special little hoodie just in case. With that, she was off to meet this new school and this chance to see what life would bring her. That’s at least what she’s said. Quite literally, there’s not many records of her parents, her, or anything of her personal life. Most of it is instead word of mouth from, well, her mouth. She does have a few documents however, that she does occasionally pull it when need be. She doesn’t even have much of a paper trail to speak of. Just bits and pieces of info here and there. [u]Likes:[/u] Jokes, relaxation, beaches, good company, books, learning, exploration, food, more food [u]Dislikes:[/u] Dark enclosed spaces, most reptiles(cept turtles), heights, violation of personal space, physical labor, the cold, hunger, lying [u]Theme:[/u] [hider=Battle][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD6GUTDle8s[/youtube][/hider] [/hider]