[center][h2]Charlotte Carver[/h2] -[u]Stillwater - Docks[/u]-[/center] [hr] "Golduck is quite interesting," Charlotte agreed. "The development of its psychic powers stems from the rudimentary powers displayed by Psyduck, and are likely an adaptation designed to allow Golduck to fight off predators. In any case, that also makes Golduck pretty cool." Charlotte watched a Sharpedo dart around in strange patterns in the water. "It doesn't appear to be mating season," she noted. "Otherwise Sharpedo would not swim around like that." Charlotte dug into her broefcase and produced a Poké Ball containing her Wimpod. She released the isopod onto the ground; Wimpod looked around skittishly for danger. "Wimpod has some pretty sensitive antennae," Charlotte pointed out. "That's how it detects danger and runs away." Wimpod perked up its antennae, waggling them a bit and searching for anything that might potentially cause harm to its trainer/eat it. "What do you think's going on?" Charlotte asked Jason. [hr] [hider=Notes]-TP: post +1, AF bonus +1; total: 7 [hider=Inventory] -Poké Ball x1[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] -Charjabug Lv. 11 -Petilil Lv. 11 -Klang Lv. 11 -Golett Lv. 10 -Wimpod Lv. 10 -Crabrawler Lv. 10 [/hider] Interaction with [@LuckyBlackCat]’s Jason[/hider] [hr] CP +1; total=16