[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/R6x59El.png?1[/img] [CENTER]----------------- [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/NWRwj1c.png?1[/IMG] -----------------[/CENTER] [sub][color=#AB08B4][i]Location: Talon HQ, LA[/i][/color][/sub] [sub][color=#AB08B4][i]Interacting with: Peacere [@Kaithas], Sampson [@Tominas][/i][/color][/sub] [CENTER]----------------- [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/NWRwj1c.png?1[/IMG] -----------------[/CENTER] [/center] Sombra enjoyed watching the Discovery Channel. Being one enraptured by puzzles and riddles, the channel held plenty of documentaries and docu-dramas for her to sink her inquisitive teeth into. Many of them were trashy, and badly acted, but with the stories behind them true, she couldn't resist watching them till the end to find out if she was right. It was only five minutes into this one that she'd figured out the murderer. Some South African shrink with a mysteriously ill wife? Well, it was obvious. Sombra couldn't help but hold back a laugh as she continued to watch. [color=#AB08B4]"Insulin, the perfect way to kill somebody? And he thought he was being clever. [i]Idiota."[/i][/color] She scoffed quietly, both to herself and the python lazing on her lap; Hermes' tongue flicking lazily into the air in response as he curled further around her crossed legs. Perhaps people were simply less intelligent two decades ago? Paper trails, evidence, taking out life insurance policies prior to death... it was embarrassing to watch, especially for a master of cover-ups like herself. Either way, she was happy to get the correct answer, regardless of how obvious it had seemed to her. As the show came to an end, she minimised the page with a flick of her wrist, the movement swiftly turning into a cat-like stretch that got her spine cracking. [color=#AB08B4]"C'mon [i]guapo[/i]. Back to your hidey-hole."[/color] Gently untangling Hermes from her lap, Sombra stood up with a yawn, placing him back in his vivarium before had a chance to wrap himself around her arms and body as he tended to do. Lightly "booping" his snout before replacing the lid, the hacker turned back to her computer, stretching once again. She'd spent most of the night awake, dealing with... business. If anyone asked her, she'd been watching her murder mysteries all night. In reality, she was attempting to stop some death. Waving her hand again, a gruff, familiar face filled the screen, paired with the words that would provide nothing but trouble for the guy. [color=#AB08B4]"Stupid Cowboy always getting himself into trouble."[/color] She sighed, a smile quirking her lips. Normally, she'd have no worries for anyone in this situation, but McCree had helped her out before. Excellent drinking partner too - but with the bounty as high as it had been? [i]Dios Mio[/i], he was in some real trouble now. Sombra had done what she could with the bounty; lowering it from a much higher stake before it had been released to make sure nobody too professional tried to take him out. Still, $60 million was a lot of money. Knowing all too well about the greedy nature of humans, Sombra could already envision people going to stupidly long lengths just to try and bring Jesse in alive - or dead. Either way, other people would likely be caught in the crossfire. Deciding it would be best to keep an eye open for news, Sombra opened up a new programme, fingers dancing across the holographic keypads as she inputted instructions. [quote] [b][sub] INPUT SEARCH PARAMETERS: Gun Fights -- Mercenaries -- America -- New Mexico -- McCree -- Overwatch ... SEARCHING ... 128,767 RESULTS FOUND[/sub][/b][/quote] Sombra sighed again, this time more exasperated than concerned. Naturally, there was plenty both on the internet and in her own files about any of the following things she had searched. Especially in regards to Overwatch and all of the juicy things she'd uncovered about it. All of these murder mysteries and real-life puzzles she had read about or watched, and here she was, living in the biggest one of all. Leaning over against the desktop, manicured nails tapping rhythmically against the hard surface, Sombra tried again. [quote] [b][sub]INPUT SEARCH PARAMETERS: McCree, Bounty, Mercenaries: RECENT CONTINUE SEARCH[/sub][/b] [/quote] A small, purple skull was all that now remained on the screen, and Sombra allowed herself a smile as it rotated and bounced around, akin to a screensaver. At least if any information came through, either through leaks, hacks or her own "friends", she'd be the first to hear about it. While doubtful she'd herself would go all the way out there to aid McCree, there would be something or someone to hack to give him some kind of fighting chance. And while she waited? Breakfast! Closing and locking everything down in her office before leaving, it didn't take long for Sombra to go back to her room, look presentable, and already be on her way out into the main facility with a plate of food. Someone up top didn't appreciate her eating her meals in supposed "sterile areas" or "sensitive rooms", but she didn't care. Sombra ate her rancher's eggs wherever pleased her. The smell seemed to be pleasing other people too; simply walking by several Talon operatives with her trademark mischievous smile, their eyes followed her plate as she ambled past them. Chili, spices, beans, and a fresh tortilla all topped with fried eggs. It was rare to find food that good in America; from what she had seen, there were too many white people out there who only used salt and pepper to season their cooking - and what a truly tragic thing that was. Speaking of tragic, Talon's current robo-boy came into her line of sight as she continued her walk. Omnics had no sense of taste or smell, as far as she knew - what a terrible existence. Still, one can't miss what they've never experienced. Walking up to Peacere and their newest addition Sampson, Sombra scooped another mouthful of breakfast into her mouth before settling on a nearby desk, one leg thrown over the other as she swallowed. [color=#AB08B4][i]"Hola![/i] You boys have anything planned today? People to kill? Battles to fight?"[/color] She paused, glancing at Peacere with a teasing smirk. [color=#AB08B4]"Joints to oil?"[/color]