[h3]---A Clearing Beside A Steep Base of a Cliff---[/h3] -[@ToadRopes]- [quote=Tomoe] “Yep, that’s me, thankfully, it’s just a sprained ankle; my weapon took most of the impact, and I’m glad that he wasn’t hurt by being used as a crude ballista.” [/quote] "[color=00aeef]Indeed. Lord Azure is indeed fortunate he is not hurt much.[/color]" Keerin agreed as she crouched to take a look at your ankle. "[color=00aeef]I suppose you are lucky too, only having a sprained ankle. Here, let me take care of it.[/color]" And with her Heal staff, the Sage's hand glowed light blue and the soft, relaxing energy transferred to your ankle and suddenly, the pain of the sprain was gone. "[color=00aeef]Normally, I'd say this was a waste of magic but I suppose I have plenty to go around.[/color]" "[color=00aeef]Also, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier.[/color]" Keerin stood up and dusted her robe a bit. "[color=00aeef]Prince Jarde is... a very important person to me. I hope you understand.[/color]" She said before attending to the Myrmidon Eclisse. -[@Darkmoon Angel]- [quote=Eclisse] [color=bc8dbf]"Well... Not as hectic as it was at the camp... But I actually took a hit back there... Anyone got a sec... Bleeding over here..."[/color] [/quote] "[color=00aeef]I am here. Let me see your wound.[/color]" The Sage Keerin approached you and took a look at your wound. "[color=00aeef]This is a bad slash. It would get worse if it is not attended immediately. Here...[/color]" Keerin, with Heal staff in hand, conjured some light blue energy in her free hand which then transferred to your slash wound on your abdomen. The wound closed but the blood staining your clothes was there to say. "[color=00aeef]I'm afraid we'll have to see someone in laundry duty to get rid of that.[/color]" Keerin remarked, referring to your stained clothes. "[color=00aeef]I must commend you for bravely drawing the attention of several Footmen, Miss.[/color]" Keerin said. "[color=00aeef]It is a tad foolish but brave nonetheless.[/color]"