[@Legion02] Was already asked in the Int Check [quote=@Leoven] [@Dead Cruiser] and [@Rune_Alchemist] Humans in this rp are not naturally attuned to magic. There's magic all over the world that some creatures can tap into but human's can't unless helped by enchanted artifacts or dragons. The Listeners are a different thing as they're able to see the flow of magic, but this connection is weak that the only thing they can do with it is communicate with dragons. As their relationship with their dragon grows, so does their connection to magic. The magic they learn to tap into relates to the magic of their dragon, but isn't limited to elemental magic. Since we're starting just after the Leviathans attack and after they first meet their dragon, none of the Listeners can use magic yet. Maybe rudimentary sorts, but nothing really magical. Whoooo. Long explanation. Hope it made sense. [/quote] Hope that helps~ [@13org] Leoven isn't accepting on first come first serve basis