[quote=@Kouki] The use of the word "merely" makes me feel like you misunderstand what constitute's as "age appropriate" in this universe's context. [/quote] What they mean is Diana isn't battle hardened or have nearly as much experience as say someone who even has a year worth of collecting souls and battling monsters. That kind of experience is nothing against simple classroom environments and training. [quote=@Three] Not really? Even considering the nature of the world, the younger someone is the more important a gap in experience can be. The gap between someone who's been training for a handful years/hasn't ever had to fight for her life because of coddling parents and someone who's been training for only a couple of years moreso is going to be much more than the same couple of years' gap when the two have been training for several decades. She's competent and was deemed solid enough to be sent an offer letter, but when push comes to shove she just doesn't have much real combat experience that's not from sparring. [/quote] Exactly. What they said lol. [@Kouki] Realistically for EAT students their training (like with all things) isn't really tested until thrown up against the real thing. (bonus points Three for making a note of that in your CS) [@olcharlieboi] It's not a race. We don't have the official thread up yet, that is when we're going to put a deadline for CS submission and where you can submit your final CS for review.