[center][h3][color=0054a6]The Children of Artemon[/color][/h3][/center] (A?) The next step was uncertain. On the surface it seemed a decent place to once again attempt to make a new life, but there were no guarantees that it would not end up just like Celebrimbor, if not worse. There, too, they had a river to protect them, but when the orcs came it was not enough to stop the defeat and slaughter of their kinsmen. The rushing river to the west could just as easily stop an enemy as it could wall their backs, at least until bridges are able to be constructed. The recent ordeals had made the general atmosphere pessimistic to say the least. But just as there was no guarantee of safety or prosperity from staying, there was none from continuing. The weather only became colder as they went along and travelling in this manner was taxing on both spirit and body. It was decided that they would stay for now. The elf-at-arms would journey up, down and around the rivers, searching the area for friend or foe and any indication of the land's suitability for settlement so that a final decision might be made. The elven woman who had hanged herself had only a small, private and fast ceremony. Her cause of death was not generally discussed as hanging or suicide, but as death from grief, though most understood this to be a euphemism. Few people, if anyone, wanted to preoccupy themselves with the matter. Their society's view of suicide is not entirely clear cut, based in muddled questions of fate and free will, but to suddenly take your life in this manner was certainly taboo. Taking her life she had abandoned her people and the path she was supposed to walk in life. [hider=Summary] Stay put, scout surrounding area [/hider]