Erich Zann wasn't in the best of moods, though all there was to show for it was a slight decline at the corner of his mouth. His friends had sold his services without asking him if he approved of the job. As he walked through the streets toward the fort, paperwork firmly in hand, he considered their reasoning. Perhaps it was because he wouldn't actually speak his approval or denial? Or maybe they thought he'd decline before actually hearing it out? Their reason for not coming to him first would remain a mystery, but Erich knew without a doubt why they'd sent him in particular. He was probably the only person in the mercenary corps who wouldn't voice any complaint about working with Faunus. Sometimes his silence was a curse instead of the blessing he'd long thought it to be. At least in this case it would be a blessing for whomever was in charge. Erich's slight frown deepened. A new commander meant taking commands from an untrusted source. It was different from mercenary work, where at least the mercenary unit had a bit of freedom in how they carried out their tasks. Here, he'd be expected to follow orders exactly as given. Erich wasn't sure how he'd handle it, but he hoped whoever was at the helm was a good pilot. The first of Erich's papers was handed to the guard at Fort Beacon, who then let him enter. The fort spread before him in both splendor and squalor. Unfortunately, none of the papers Erich held was a map of the fort, so he gave the guard a questioning look. "What? Is there something on my face?" Erich shook his head slightly. "Then what is it? Spit it out already!" Erich pointed at the paper in the guard's hand, then gestured toward the inside of the fort. "No, you don't need this paper inside the fort. Just get going already! I have a job to do and playing charades isn't part of it." The guard turned away, obviously intent on ignoring Erich. Unfortunately, that particular paper had the location where Erich was supposed to meet with his commanding officer and squad in the fort. None of his remaining papers had that information. Erich was now lost in foreign territory and surrounded by the military to boot. All he could do, he decided, was explore and hope to find the right place by accident. Off he went, poking his nose into busy kitchens, crammed storage sheds, and bathrooms - luckily not the ladies' room - all in the name of finding his destination. Strangely, nobody seemed to mind, nor did anyone question his presence. Perhaps others had done similar things. Perhaps they were just too busy to care. In the end, it didn't really matter to Erich. He just wanted to get where he was going already. Luckily, Erich overheard a conversation between two soldiers near one of the kitchens. One was complaining loudly about how the Faunus had started a commotion and now he was getting punished for it. The other asked where it'd happened, and the complainer said, "Oh, it was over near the briefing room where those monsters are supposed to meet for the concerted effort thingy. Just look for the big mess over by..." Just over one minute later, Erich pushed open the door to Briefing Room 5-0D to find a collection of Faunus and Humans now beginning to socialize. Erich could tell from glances and from where some heads were still looking that a hooded man was the commanding officer for the group. He seemed to be in a conversation with a girl, but Erich's need to report for duty superseded, at least in his mind, the seemingly relaxed discussion that was taking place. Erich approached the man and wordlessly offered him the rest of the papers he was carrying, which comprised Erich's intel file, filled out by his superiors in the mercenary corps.