Zakai finished organizing his deck of cards into their respective piles as the van pulled into the scene of the cyber beast. As Makoto's voice was heard, he looked up from his cards and outside the window. The authorities were all over the place, and sure enough a figure had emerged from the mall. Unless this were a movie, and there were no cameras or lights, this was looking pretty real. Not that Gazimon didn't look real, but it was natural to have some doubt about all that was happening. Moving quickly outside the van to get a better look, Zakai squeezed his D-Connect. [color=mediumorchid][i]Alright then. Here we go.[/i] [/color] Zakai called forth Gazimon, who appeared with arms crossed. [color=plum]"Sup. I had nothing better to do."[/color] [color=mediumorchid] "Right. Well, we could really use your help right now. Another Digimon is tearing the place up."[/color] [color=plum]"So what are we waiting around here talking for? If it's a fight, it's a fight!"[/color] Gazimon suddenly took off on all fours right as Commandramon begain firing his assault rifle and charging towards the enemy. As he did, Zakai glanced over at Makoto and noticed his glum expression. Was he feeling okay? Bullets flew overhead as Gazimon sprinted, darting from side to side so his opponent wouldn't know which direction he'd attack from. As he neared his opponent he could see the bullets rebounding off his armor with no effect. But the distraction allowed Gazimon to hop behind their enemy and attack with his claws. [color=plum] "Gazimon Claw!"[/color] Gazimon grinned as his claws raked across his opponent's armor, but faded once he realized it had no effect. Now their target turned his attention on Gazimon as he swung his weapon violently in his direction. Gazimon brought his chin to the floor and evaded the swing before performing a backflip and retreating to safety. [color=mediumorchid]"None of these attacks are going to . . ."[/color] Zakai trailed off, realizing Makoto and Haruka were not listening. Makoto seemed sick, and as he glanced at Haruka he could see an expression of disbelief on his face. [color=mediumorchid][i]Maybe they weren't ready for this? Are too young? . . . Can we really do this?[/i][/color] Zakai began running closer to the Digimon enemy. They had to try. [color=mediumorchid][i]It's just like the game, or the show right? It's the same Digimon. [/i][/color] [color=mediumorchid]"Gazimon, use the signs and structures around you! Avoid his attacks and strike hard when the opportunity opens!"[/color] Pulling a card from his deck and holding out his D-Scanner, he added. [color=mediumorchid]"This will help!"[/color] He swiped the card while simultaneously shouting, [color=mediumorchid]"Digi-Modify! Digimon's Drill, Activate!"[/color] Upon activation of the card Gazimon's claws illuminated and as the light faded began spinning as powerful drills. [color=plum]"Now we're talking!"[/color] Gazimon leapt up onto a circular sign surrounded by benches. [color=plum]"Hey bozo, over here!"[/color] He caught the Digimon's attention again after he knocked Commandramon back. [color=plum]"Now, eat this!"[/color] With that he leapt from his post and smashed his drills into the Digimon repeatedly before landing, rolling sideways and bouncing back into the air and into a tree. Looking back at Makoto, Zakai was greeted with a very different appearance. Now Makoto seemed like an entirely different person. And he got Commandramon right back into the fight with a more powerful weapon. [color=mediumorchid]"There we go!"[/color] And now , though Haruka had to add his snark comment, Bakumon was firing as well. [color=mediumorchid][i]We can do this.[/i][/color] [color=mediumorchid]"Gazimon, keep him busy under fire!"[/color] Zakai called, intending to use Gazimon's agility to aid Commandramon and Bakumon in attacking from a distance. Gazimon kept his furry of attacks going, bouncing from surface to surface as his drill claws made more and more damage on behalf of Commandramon lowering his defense. Each time one of Bakumon's blasts hit the Digimon, Gazimon would take the chance to shift his position and confuse his opponent.