[center][h1][color=39b54a]Nyx[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2hkRwZO.png[/img] [h2]Support conversation 1- The girl with Amnesia (P2)[/h2][/center] [hr] Nyx sighs as she felt awkward sitting down while the girl stood, she would get to her feet and smiles back to the girl [color=39b54a]"Maybe I can get someone to teach you! Cause I doubt this will be the last time you are chased, tends to happen a lot"[/color] She would realize what the girl had just said and immediately she would panic a bit [color=39b54a]"Why were the people chasing you? Still don’t trust that man's motives!"[/color] Nyx would turn to her party and then back at the girl [color=39b54a]"I-i-I am….. Technically…. But I find that the group over there arent in need of me"[/color] She sighs [color=39b54a]"I saved you from that man! He is most likely a fiendish king with no use with people he finds unworthy of his company. Also saved you from all those footmen down there which were fighting with everyone else"[/color] [hider=Mentions][@PaulHaynek][@Polaris North][/hider]