[@Crimmy] [b]Luke Schwarz: Armory, Not [i]As[/i] Early Morning[/b] Thankfully, it didn't appear to be the case that my muttering to myself had put the lilac-haired and well-dressed girl off in any way. I supposed I should be thankful too, because if she was willing to go so far as to dress up all professionally to see greet her family, well... It's presumptuous of me to insinuate it, but weirdos you ran into earlier in the morning tended to be great conversation points when catching up with people. Any high schooler or former high schooler, such as myself, can at least understand that principle. Yeah, even me, who was so socially distant you could say I was the local Martian, understood how that sort of thing could go down. But that's all beside the point. It seemed I'd lucked out and ran into someone understanding, or at least not-immediately-judgmental. [b]"Just a bit."[/b] I looked up to her for a moment— and it turned out I was right. That was one sizable axe she was casually toting around in here. The me of two years ago would have probably scoffed at the notion of seeing people pick big things up so effortlessly, but he was a bit of an idiot even compared to the me of right now. I figured explaining what I was in the middle of couldn't hurt. It would only be polite. [b]"I'm trying to figure out how the drill mechanism in this guy here works— It's a hand-me-down, so I've never really taken it apart and taken a good hard with it before until about now. Just kept it clean and all that."[/b] That was pretty much the long and short of my experience with the drillfists outside of punching things, yeah. Stick around, girl, you're witnessing something rare— Lucas Schwarz using his brain. [b]"If I'm lucky and it's simple enough for even a dim guy like me to work out, I'm thinking I'll integrate a drill bit into the replacement I'm cooking up right now. Which'll, now that I think about it, probably turn out a little like yours."[/b] I looked between her youthful face and gnarly weapon, wondering if there wasn't some sort of god of dissonance that all small girls in this school prayed to, before continuing on with a question that would be pretty pertinent if I was to spend more time here and potentially grill her as the more experienced party when it came to implements of death upon sticks. [b]"Anyways, I'm Luke, and your name is..?"[/b] I can't just call her "that girl with the purpley hair and the suit" forever.