Heeey, I finished my placements! Lotsa Bastions roaming around. I find he's only [i]incredibly[/i] ridiculous on Eichenwalde. But that first choke on Eichenwalde was always ridiculous, Bastion or not. It's the map I've got most of my Draws on8) thanks for fixing that first point Blizzard and thanks for somehow increasing my Draws to Win/Lose ratio on it after this Bastion buff. If I'm being honest, I feel a bit better with this just because if a Bastion's gonna sentry mode in my face he can't get headshots anymore and I have an even better chance at winning the altercation. But, isn't it the same with Rein and Roadhog? Hmm, I dunno I think it might be the purpose. They wanted Bastion to be tankier with the buff and he's currently sitting at a healthpool + armor pool at about... between both tanks and other defense heroes. I think he's OW's tankiest non-tank hero currently, but not enough to actually beat a tank in... tankiness. They made up for it by reducing his damage entirely and upping his spread, and I think his fall off too. I dunno, though, buffing and nerfing someone like Bastion's really hard, I think. Either he's going to be an overpowered defense hero, or he's gonna be completely useless. I'm not sure where that middle grounds is. But, for input with the Ana/Bastion thing, as an Ana main, I'm still prioritizing Soldier and Genji ults over the stationary Bastion. I'll ult the Bastion if it's ulting, though, 'cause those shots are one-hit kills on non-tanks if he's nanoboosted.