I've got two things to bring up, one good, the other... well, good still too, I guess! Firstly, I've got a post up, and I shall be trying to aim for a bit of a quicker turn around on my part for posts. Obviously Real Life and Baking is going to get in the way of this sometimes, and it turns out that I also need to get sleep, but I realise it's slightly easier on my end to reply to a couple of characters worth of actions at a time, rather than all of them. Hopefully we can still find that perfect balance of posting rates, because I'm keenly aware that people will get left behind if I'm not careful, and that'd be a Bad Thing. Second thing - players! We're basically down to Vanessa, Toony, the Bees, Fiddlesticks and Elarin. I've been chatting with the person who wanted to play Bunz, and real life and writers block has struck them pretty hard, so sadly they won't be joining us. I think Vonny's player has fallen off the face of the Earth as well. So I've two questions to put to the group on this: [b]1. Would you be happy with another player joining the group?[/b] Six players is likely to be the limit of what I can easily handle, but going up to six will give us a bit of buffer room when Real Life inevitably strikes and some folks can't post for a while. [b]2. If we're to get a new player, how should we get them?[/b] I'm happy enough switching the status of the game to "Apply" rather than "Full" and seeing what we get, [i]but[/i] this game is as much yours as it is mine, and while I was happy assembling a crack team of merry happy-go-lucky roleplayers to get this started, I'd want to make sure that anyone who comes in to the game now is somebody who everyone's going to be happy playing alongside. I'll put the GM Hat Of Supreme Authority on if needs be to find somebody new, but I'd rather start recruitment from a "[i]does anyone have any friends that would like this sort of game?[/i]" standpoint to ensure at least [i]some[/i] level of player compatibility. Sorry about the wall of text - it's quarter to eleven in the morning, I've been awake since for about six hours and I've still not had a cup of tea, so I hope it's at least vaguely readable. If you've any thoughts or comments or answers, let me know, either here or via PM!