[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HYYybxe.png[/img] [H2][color=#008b45]ARMS SLAVE[/color][/H2][/center] Things weren't exactly looking pretty. Arms Slave was aware that the Fanged Rangers employed aircraft but he didn't think they'd send one to block his path. Though considering the Ebony Stryker's current lack of AA, he supposed it only made sense that they'd do that. At least they'd stop shooting at the buildings in front of him and went after the bridges ahead of them instead. Arms Slave debated trying some tricky stunts, perhaps ramping off the rubble to cross the chasm or even driving off the bridge to the other side propelled by the explosion, but all those things required wonky physics that only worked in Arms Slave's head. For now he was going to take advantage of the fact that whatever was shooting at him before wasn't shooting at him right now and called everyone over the local communications. [color=008b45]"Everyone follow me into this rubble and get ready for a rough landing!"[/color] The first to reach him was Paper Moon's tank. He had launched some smokes to block the visual the enemy might have on them, which would be handy since Arms Slave needed none for what he was about to do. He measured coordinates roughly twenty feet above the ground, across the bridge the others would need to cross. Once they got past that bridge it'd be straight shooting to the Red Guild City, even with some harassment from these aircraft and long distance artillery. Only trouble was that none of these vehiciles could make it in time, and even if Arms Slave floored it he alone couldn't save the Red Guild. So it was time to make a tough call, and hope that his allies could take care of themselves without him. Paper Moon, his crew, and his tank would suddenly find themselves airborn and not over Arms Slave war machine. A second later and they'd hit the ground. The tank's suspension should be able to take the slight fall, it was the crew that might be a bit confused. But regardless there was no time to be shaken and Arms Slave shouted his next orders to them. [color=008b45]"There's no time to screw around. Get to the Red City. Avoid all enemies until you get to the Red City and take out the attacking forces there. I'll find my own way around later, now go!"[/color] As soon as the others got onto the back of the War Machine Arms Slave would warp them in the general direction of where he dropped off Paper Moon. He'd make sure each one had enough space that they didn't land on each other or any other hazard, but beyond that their survival was in their own hands. Arms Slave focused on this task for now, and would figure out how he'd get to the Red City once everyone else was on their way. [@Mega Birb][@RoflsMazoy][@Jedly][@KoL] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hDiFUyi.png[/img] [H2][color=#cd2626]DARK WRAITH[/color][/H2][/center] Dark Wraith watched as Broker of Fortune changed her affiliation to the Ivory Masks. Normally Dark Wraith would be furious, but she also sensed that perhaps there was an ulterior motive behind Broker's actions. While ultimately a contractor who's only loyal to herself, surely Broker of Fortune wouldn't be so foolish to make Dark Wraith an enemy. And considering that moments ago Eclipse Princess was standing before Broker of Fortune, Dark Wraith could understandably consider that Broker made the alliance simply to avoid immediate defeat. Indeed, if Dark Wraith was caught in the same situation she may have done the same. Likely with far less success. There was still too many questions for Dark Wraith to blow her cover right now. Even if she could attack Broker safely from this distance, she simply lacked the firepower to destroy her in one shot, and that sort of firepower was better to be used against her actual enemies than someone who [i]might[/i] be a traitor. Not to mention there were some other strange things going on. The drone picked up that Absinthe Blue had somehow been captured and was being used as a hostage. Dark Wraith considered focusing fire on that and remove the Ivory Mask's hostage, except that shortly after the Ivory Masks killed her anyways. [color=cd2626]"That simplifies things. Fire on the forces in front of the gates. Pummel them before they can retaliate, and once they take notice we'll move quickly."[/color] Though they were only two tanks, Dark Wraith worked her magic to make it appear that an entire column of tanks had arrived. Using the aim bot to have uncanny accuracy and spawning in air-burst explosives instead of the usual HEAP rounds, the Ivory Masks would be greeted by dark clouds. But upon closer examination, those clouds masked the decent of hundreds of air-burst bombs, which detonated right on top of the attacking Ivory Masks forces. Although Maiden's buffs would allow more survivors than usual, Dark Wraith simply responded with more shots fired. Using her Miasma, she hide the fact that she was multiplying the amount of bombs being fired while in-flight. The explosives would be highly effective against infantry and other avatars who weren't in tanks or heavily armored vehicles, and merely violently shaking any tank that was caught in the blast. Shortly after Dark Wraith gave everyone the order to move elsewhere. As her crew fired their slavo and moved onto the next position, Dark Wraith sent a message to Broke. Short, sweet, and to the point. [quote] To: Broker of Fortune From: Dark Wraith Subject: So you joined the Ivory Masks Explain yourself. [/quote] [@Lonewolf685][@KoL]