[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yECtB9g.jpg[/img] [h2]Natalya [color=dodgerblue]Kortensky[/color][/h2][/center] [b]Archadia | Shoreline[/b] [hr] As soon as they hit the beach, things went to hell. The berserker, Kain, blossomed into a fiery pillar of death, attracting all the attention of the Archadian forces as the SOLDIERs and what remained of their backup reached the shore. She identified her team leader, a younger man called Corbyn, and followed right behind him as they ran into the forests, Archadian soldiers in hot pursuit. The irony was not lost on the doctor; she'd spent the better part of her life serving with soldiers like these, the exact same men and women that were now chasing her down with the intent to kill. She couldn't let them know she was local. It just didn't sit right if they knew one of their own was amongst the intruders. Natalya made a mental note to herself to not speak a word of her native Archadian unless it was absolutely necessary, gritted her teeth and forged onward, bringing up the rear of the infiltration group. When gunfire peppered them from the rear, the doctor spun around to respond. Her shield unfurled from her left gauntlet as she brought her machine pistol to bear on the soldiers to their rear. It spat fire and lead at the advancing troops, causing them to retreat momentarily while the rest of the SOLDIERs moved further into the forest. Eventually they lost the beach patrols and their pace slowed to a quick jog as they reached their first checkpoint within the depths of the forest. With her helmet firmly attached to her torso rig, she could monitor everyone's vitals wirelessly. Small blue circles connected by light blue lines glowed around the middle of the others around her, marking them as allies and part of her team. The network kept them together, and it made her job of keeping them alive easier. However, something struck her as the group settled down in a thicket. Now that they were firmly entrenched in phase one, Natalya could take stock and check on the team. Other than racing hearts and fast breathing rates, the team was alright, except for one. The tall, rugged SOLDIER known as Bruce was missing, and the vitals monitor on her helmet hud showed a flat line and zero vitals. Their first casualty. In the heat of battle, they'd lost a man and they didn't even know it. As the squad took a knee and assessed themselves, Natalya took a position next to their leader, Corbyn, as he briefed them on the journey ahead. They were to be paired up for the next leg, but upon mention of the dead man's name, she spoke up. She tapped the side of her helmet and its visor split in the middle and slid into the sides of the combat helmet, allowing her to speak freely without using the really loud in-built speakers. [color=dodgerblue]"Bruce is dead, [i]komandir[/i] - I mean, Corbyn. We must've lost him in the crash. If it calls for it, I can be our rear guard."[/color] She shouldered her shotgun, idly adjusting her heavy combat armour. With all the gear and medical supplies she was carrying, she doubted her "expertise" at stealth was needed. The doctor sighed to herself as she adjusted her stance in the undergrowth. [color=dodgerblue]"Oh spirits, this feels so weird,"[/color] she muttered to herself. [color=dodgerblue]"[i]Ran'she eto byl moy dom, no teper'... Ya ne tak uveren.[/i]"[/color]