[@The Harbinger of Ferocity]I don't get flu shots for several reasons. 1) I don't like shots (I'm a wuss). 2) Flu shots are based on projections of the previous year's flu virus and do not cover a large percentage of the actual virus mutations (influenza evolves pretty quickly). 3) Flu shots are about as liable to get you sick as being in contact with someone who has the flu. Yeah, they say it's "dead," but I've known too many people who immediately get sick after having a shot for it to just be a coincidence. Also 4), I come into contact with very few people, so I'm not too worried about getting the flu. Maine is pretty isolated. That said, I'm not anti-vacc by any means. Or anti-flu shot. The flu shot is extremely useful for those with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly, infants, new mothers, and those with auto-immune diseases (I'm not trained medically, so I could be wrong with that last one). It's just not something I choose to take. Not trying to start an argument, just figured I would point out the other side's position.