[@Hammerman] Can't say I'm a big fan of that idea myself. The plot seems to basically be that this girl died, hated the real world, overthrew the ruler of 'dreamland' and wants these dream seeds to essentially unify the dreamworld with the real world in order to take her revenge. If you want to avoid a darker role play such a setting for the villain is a bit on the darker side. Also just the setting of essentially after-lifers trying to mess up the real world is not really a great theme in my book. A lot of magical girl type shows usually have some aspect of chaos or some force that wants to take away good things, or even just plain greedy, as the evil force. Your plot more aligns with the recent flood of magical girl vs magical girl type shows that seem to have been popping up since the main villain is a girl who died without love which messed up her personality to hate the real world and then got powerful. [@Sorrelmyst] Tokyo Mew-Mew was decent though...I thought the twists at the end were kind of stupid though but overall it was a lighthearted type show. As for the Precure, well that really depends on which precure you look at. Some seasons are really great while some leave quite a bit to be desired though in general they have a very light hearted mood throughout the series. Precure really likes to use a unifying theme for each of their iterations of the series which is reflected in the cure names and the villains which is kind of neat in its own way. [u]Tokyo Mew-Mew[/u] = Endangered Species/Eco issues. [u]Pretty Cure/Pretty Cure Max Heart[/u] = Opposites like Darkness and Light and how if you can work together and compromise, things can work out. [u]Pretty Cure Splash Star[/u] = I didn't watch much of this one but its nature based. [u]Yes! Precure 5![/u] = Dreams vs Nightmares. How to bring one's dreams into reality. [u]Yes! Precure 5! GoGo![/u] = This one was a bit strange as the main villain was essentially an insane collector who wanted to collect everything, especially a certain woman. [u]Fresh Pretty Cure[/u] = Dancing, strangely enough and I think many consider this one of the weaker seasons. [u]HeartCatch Precure[/u] = All about the flowers of the heart and how it needs to be nurtured in order to foster ones talents and passions. Had a very interesting mechanic where the villains would use a person's 'flower' to create creatures that were embodiments of their deepest fears toward achieving their goals. A lot of people had to get used to the artstyle but many consider this one as one of their best seasons. [u]Suite Precure[/u] = Music and how it can bring people together. [u]Fresh Pretty Cure[/u] = Dancing, strangely enough and I think many consider this one of the weaker seasons. [u]Smile Precure[/u] = Theme around Fairy Tales and I would say probably one of the most colorful and bright of the series. About how everyone wants to achieve their own fairy tale ending. [u]DokiDoki Precure[/u] = The theme was about human emotions and the different aspects that make up a person. Also used a playing card theme for characters like alice in wonderland which was interesting. [u]Happiness Charge Precure[/u] = The main theme was love which was quite an interesting topic for a magical girl show. I liked this series for attempting such a topic though it messed up some of what could have been really interesting plot developments. [u]Go! Princess PreCure[/u] = I did not watch this one cause I hated the 'princess school' setting. Every girl can be a princess kind of thing but the school for training princesses was just like...wait what? Like why? XD [u]Mahousukai Precure[/u] = Magic, catering to magical school type trends. Pretty fun overall. [u]KiraKira PreCure A La Mode[/u] = Cooking, its just started and I find the animal theme outfits cute but it is a strange one to be sure. Anyway, there are a lot of Precure and some are better than others. Then of course there are all the movies too but you can forget them for the most part. The series does give a lot of ideas for magical girl type role plays though.