After colliding with the clone that was tossed at him Pano got to his feet ready to fight only to see the universe's Mightiest Mortal chase after the prime Multiplus. Pano did some quick evasion of the clone that was thrown at him and got to the perfect spot to watch the clash between the Captain and the multiplying man. Pano cheered on Captain Marvel as he saw the hero dive for Multiplus and bring him high above the Earth. It truly was a sight to marvel at but the cost of the fight was way to high given all of the loss of man power that the Legion suffered. Things had gone terribly but they had done their job and saved most of Old Blüdhaven. Pano-Zu wasn't one for looking at the glass half empty and forced himself to look on the brightside of the situation. As CM came back down with Multiplus, Momentum had begun to try and help his comrades to their feet, stupidly starting with Bulk Lad whom was still enlarged and probably beyond help from Momentum. "Good... job... Capítan" Pano-Zu said in between grunts as he tried to lift any part of Bulk Lad to no success. Eventually Pano gave up and hunched over to catch his breathe. His tanks were running on low at the moment so he could really go for some food at that moment but he knew there was a little more to be done here. "We gotta wait for-" Pano let out a loud sigh as he caught his breathe "...the police to come pick ol' Multiplication guy up" Pano panted, once again messing up a perfectly good opportunity to come up with something cool to say.