Hearing the shaking voice of Alphys made him look up, finding himself actually glad she had decided to show up even if she was late. Making his way over while the other scientists was looking at the changes he had added for their reusable power source. As he got to Alphys's desk Gaster glanced over to the human scientists, making sure they were to busy with what they were doing before talking to Alphys in a soft whisper so not to get over heard. "Good to see you Alphys. Glad you made it. Your not the only one who was late though, they were too." Nodding to the two humans who was still scratching their heads looking at the changes to the foundation that Gaster had added, wondering if it would even work out. Finally they seemed to want to try it out as they started adding some changes to their battery pack giving Alphys and Gaster some time to talk freely.