[b][center][h1][color=6E3FF5]Rose “ly’lnd” Cythla[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [center][h3][b]A few hours before dawn[/b][/h3][/center] If you were to examine the Tokyo penthouse suite owned by Rose Cythilla the first thing you might notice was how it was 90% library, with almost every wall lined with bookshelves. These shelves held everything from the works of Terry Pratchett and Iain M banks to historical texts and, pride of place, a copy of the Necronomicon sitting just below a PHD from the Miskatonic university. You might ask yourself how the young scientist had afforded such a place, the answer officially being her the very rich nature of the Cythilla family. In reality it was her large network of Deep ones that lived in coastal cities through out the world who had amassed that wealth and had pumped some of it into creating a backstory for their creator, to let her live free of suspicion when the 22 year old looking woman walked out of the sea one day. You might ask afterwards where she was, as the woman was strangely absent from her abode despite the sun still not being up and lack of current emergency to drag her out to work at this time. The answer could be found if the curious individual were to need to use the bathroom during their snooping and in doing so was curious as to why the bathtub was full. Peering over the lip and into the water the far to inquisitive individual might be driven mad by what they saw, for the water somehow led to a palace deep beneath the sea, a place built with non-Euclidean geometry and Escher architecture. If the unfortunate intruder where, in their panic and confusion, to fall into the tub they would find themselves far away at the bottom of the southern Pacific Ocean and be able to hear the end of a strange chanting echoing through the warped halls. [i]“Ch' ly’lnd, bug kadishtu shugg, hai f'-lloig wgah'n 'bthnk f'-gof'nn uaaah”[/i] * The the transforming ritual was reaffirmed for another day and so the ly’lnd: star spawn of Cthulhu was once again able to shrink to the diminutive body of Rose Cythilla, Scientific Observer for the GDF and Kaiju expert. Fortunately nobody had ever tried to break into her home, so as Rose swam through her true home towards her temporary one in Tokyo, she did not meet a drowning intruder and instead launched herself through the portal, landing gracefully in her bathroom. There she swiftly dried herself, donned her work attire and, pausing to select a book to read while she on the Tokyo subway, set off to work. *Crossover rose, go understand realm of earth, now their mind reside in body of their children [hr] [center][h3][b]The KGDF Headquarters: - [color=ed1c24]TOKYO,[/color] JAPAN[/b][/h3][/center] Rose worked as part of the scientific staff for the GDF, she was primarily part of a team that would be on the scene of a Kaiju attack, observing the battle in person from helicopter or other transport, taking notes, offering suggestions to the androids based on prior battles and also having rapid access to the cadaver of the defeated Kaiju. This notably also allowed Rose to be close and intervene if she felt it was necessary as she went to go 'take a closer look’ at the battle. Rose had checked in with her servants via their psychic communication on the way here and so far both the, small but notable percentage of the staff and the deep ones living in the colony some way of the coast had nothing of note to report in terms of incoming hostiles. it looked like it was going to be another day of looking over old data and acting as the occasional consultant on various Kaiju related issues where she always pushed for advancement rather than stagnation. The amount of times she had had to argue against building massive walls and the like as a defensive measure was starting to get on her nerves. Humanity needed to keep pushing itself if it wanted to survive and then thrive on the galactic stage. As her servants of course. Rose settled into her little corner of the office space along with her team, located conveniently next to the exit for when they needed to get to transports quickly, and tied to stay out of the way of the rest of the staff as they busied themselves with the day to day running of such a vast organisation. With the Kaiju front quiet and anyone wanting to ask questions about them currently worrying more about moving the existing androids than developing new ones, she settled down to trawl the existing data to try and see if she could work out when the next attack would be. She would go out and be more proactive at her job/mission once the morning rush had settle down, perhaps to see the american androids one more time before they had to leave.