Ohio was sitting on a bench half-heartedly polishing her helmet, she didn't need to listen to the instructions, she'd seen something like this many many times over. Problem was, she sucked at these little exercises, something about killing people and even aliens was just so much easier. Not to mention her HSR was pretty much useless against non-organic matter, she could effectively destroy their comms and radio-wave broadcasting, which eliminated most machinery without on-board AI, but they had no brains to liquefy. Liquefy being the wrong word but it was pretty damn close and Ohio wasn't particularly interested in how it worked. Ohio frowned slightly as her AI projected itself on her shoulder, Gamma, she didn't like him much and even though he was just a computer code she felt the feeling was mutual. That aside they were a good match, they were probably chosen because the director knew they wouldn't get along great. Gamma was a liar and a traitor with a lot of potential to harm, most people wouldn't be able to see that especially because Gamma was still so young and had exhibited so little of his 'personality.' It really took one to know one. Ohio also had the so called 'advantage' of having had her AI implanted a few days earlier than most, with some not even having any AI yet at all. She suspected that had to do with her AI's ability, a kind of time loop that let her try again and again until she got it right. Or in a recent case, until she survived. Since her AI would automatically start a loop if she was fatally injured. Ohio was pretty sure what she'd been through was the reason things are only supposed to die once. It was really the stuff of nightmares, as horrible as it had been at least she wasn't dealing with it for the first time now. Aside from that it really ruined the idea of organized religion for her because if she had been experiencing actual death, then they were all totally hilariously wrong. [color=E0FFFF]"Agent Ohio, we are starting a training mission soon are you ready?"[/color] His voice was like those really old robotic ones, before they figured out how to make them work better. Choppy, stiff, emotionless. "Do I look ready?" She chuckled, putting her helmet on and sealing it. [color=E0FFFF]"I have complete confidence in you. The chances of fatality are designed to be very low, no death-loops."[/color] "Gamma, don't lie to me, we just met. You trust me as far as you can throw me, and you're literally a hologram so that puts us at square 0. Or like negative one. It's totally fair, I was kind of a dick yesterday. Dying a bunch just puts me in a bad mood." She sighed and began to check over her hand guns. The others were beginning to move out. [color=E0FFFF]"Yes that was rather apparent after the string of expletives you directed at the administrators."[/color] "If they try that again without telling me, and I won't do it in a time loop. It will be 100 percent organic, gluten-free murder." Ohio muttered as she carefully watched her new team mates getting to work. [color=E0FFFF]"Agent Ohio, excuse my directness, but now you are the one lying. Also murder is not a food so it can't have or be free of gluten."[/color] His blue form flickering, just at choppy as his voice Ohio rolled her eyes, "Ok, yes but its a revenge fantasy. Humans love them, have them all the time and if they tell you they don't they're a damn liar. Everyone has wanted to get back at someone at some point, the world isn't full of Gandhis and Martin Luther Kings, its a lot of normal people with a lot of normal flaws. Just ignore the gluten bit, I don't think you're going to get the joke." She was standing now, looking for her entrance into the fight. [color=E0FFFF]"I'm sorry I don't know who either of those people are but am I correct to assume they are morally superior to the average human?"[/color] "Really? You guys didn't get a basic history lesson from before the war? Yeah sure morally superior or whatever, Christ if you were human you would have thought that sounded cool but now its just weird." Her eyes were locking on to specific target zones, "You know what forget it, I don't have time to teach you 20th century history right now." Gamma nodded and flickered out of sight. With that she was darting on her way to help Washington who already had a robot half strangling him. Ohio carefully made her way through the robot carnage. Carefully in the sense that she was booking it as fast as she could while avoiding getting hit by one of the robots. She charged at the robot from behind, wrapping her arm around its neck in a tight hold while keeping her other hand free for a knife. [@Nytefall] "Ok so Wash, can I call you wash? You know what I'm going to call you Wash and you'd better not have a problem with it because I'm trying to help your ass. Anyway, listen, big guy over there," She gestured with the knife at California, "has the right idea, you gotta go for the head but if you're like me, or you for that matter, and aren't a human bear you can't exactly crush their heads with your bare hands." She shouted over the explosions and thrashing of the robot, trying to get her to let go. "See what people like us do Wash, is we improvise." She grinned as she plunged her knife between a small gap in the armor plates of the neck. "The interesting thing is that we humans tend to make things that are like humans, that's the self-obsessed way we are. So a lot of these vital wires are in the neck, like a human's spinal cord. Which means all you have to do is get the knife in here and shake it around a bit." She demonstrated by violently twisting and moving the knife in a kind of back and forth pattern. Some smoke and a few sparks came from the area her knife had sunk into but the robot was already letting Go of Washington as well as beginning to spasm uncontrollably. Ohio let go and gave the robot a hard shove to the ground. "Sadly it's not totally dead cause its equivalent of a brain is still there but I've severed its ability to control it's limbs and most functions below the neck. Now it just sort of flops around like a fish. It's kind of sad actually." She said, cocking her head and watching the robot. This moment of lapse however almost cost her as she barely dodged a punch that cracked the wall she was standing in front of. "Well points for enthusiasm on that one." She said with a short laugh before trying to repeat the process she had used on the last one, with a bit more difficulty as this robot was not already attacking someone else and was able to try much harder to throw her off.