Ty stared in horror as some kid appeared in the gas station's parking lot. She watched frozen as he picked up something and tossed it at the zombie currently still occupied with the glass door. After it was hit the thing turned and headed after the kid. "Damn it." Ty finally snapped out of her stupor and lurched forwards grabbing at the belt. She had tied it tight and by the time it was undone both the boy and the zombies were gone. "Damn it." Ty cursed again as she ran from one side of the building to the other. But for all her efforts she couldn't catch sight of the boy or the zombies. She paused listening, but nothing. She felt torn between what was necessary and between helping the boy. She could only picture her children. Yet what could she do at this point? Wander aimlessly through the city hoping to catch a sight of him? Heartbroken Ty returned to the store, grabbed three gas cans and a skein of rope. She propped her gun by the side of one of the pumps and got to work. It was slow going and she felt bad as the price ticker went higher and higher with no intention of paying. Maybe one day she'd settle her debt here. Both to the store and to the boy. With the cans filled she tied two to her back, hefted the last one and her gun and headed back towards her truck.