The plan had been working absolutely [i]flawlessly[/i], surprisingly. He had quickly lost the two zombies in the alleys and he still knew where he was. However, he still didn't move to stop. No, not yet. He was still nervous, thinking that the zombies would find him if he stopped. Just another corner and he'd stop. He was pretty sure he had left anyone following him in the dust. Boy, he was really glad that he had an affinity for Track and Field, or else he wouldn't have survived. Then again, if he had taken, say, kendo, he would have been able to simply smash their heads inwards and completely erase them from the world. Kiseki's eyes brightened up when he saw the next corner. He swung around to turn, but he felt something slam into him. He stumbled backwards in absolute shock as well. He heard something slam on the ground but he was still recovering from it. After only a moment, he was back in action and ready to run. However, his eyes sat upon that of a figure of a young girl sprawled on the ground. Huh? That didn't look anything remotely like those zombies. The girl had panicked and stood up. He was too late to see the gun holstered on her waist. She had the gun pointed directly at him and he was forced to throw his arms up in fear of being shot. However, it became obvious that she had done it out of instinct but didn't look really willing to shoot someone. She was scared, evidenced by the bouncing of the gun in her hands. But the fact that any provocation might cause her to actually pull the trigger and he'd be dead. [color=6ecff6]"U-Uh..."[/color] He stammered out. [color=6ecff6]"I... um... come in peace?"[/color] It was the best he could muster for now. He was scared of the gun, not the girl. She didn't seem capable of killing someone in cold blood. It's more that she would accidentally pull it after all. [@XxLyraxX]