[color=98FB98][b]Elizabeth 'Liz'[/b][/color] A new hole in one of her old pairs of jeans and a new bruise on her arm from one of her latest late night brawls with her friends Elizabeth wandered back to the mansion she called home. Of course' this had involved a small stroll by a small nearby lagoon prior to the current moment. Moments passed and the young vampire reached home and entered the grand doors. Her plan was to reconnect with her father and see if she could help with preparing for the ball. It was probably a childish thing to enjoy but she loved the anniversary ball her parents threw each year. Luckily, she also loved being busy and there was always a lot to do leading up it. Walking to the room her father was currently in she passed Caspen viciously feeding on a young woman. It almost make Liz sick the way some of her siblings feed. [color=98FB98]"Caspen! There's no need to be so cruel!"[/color] she shouts at her brother, [color=98FB98]"Has father not told you to stop torturing the humans you feed from?!"[/color]