[@GrizzTheMauler][@SouffleGirl123] [b][color=ed1c24]Caspen[/color][/b] Caspen looked up with his eyes to Elizabeth standing in the doorway. He took his fangs out of the unconscious girl. He always thought the younger ones were particularly bratty but Elizabeth was a kiss ass. "If I wanted a lecture, Lizzie, I would've fished out Nik," he said before moving his finger to soak up the blood dripping down he girl neck, licking his finger afterwards. ~ [b][color=92278f]Tarquin "Quin"[/color][/b] Quin loved on the mastiff, moving to the ground for better action, getting licked in the face a couple of times, nibbled here and there. "He's just playful, Maggie. You know that," he teased as Fang laid his head in Quin's lap. "He just wanted to hang out with the best person ever. Didn't you, Fang? "