[@Nallore], [@BCTheEntity], [@JaceBeleren] - at long last, here is my character. Happy reading! :) [hider=Florence Annabelle Soverntera][color=silver][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/M25KWQQ.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Q1hB5kw.png[/img] [sub][color=f64a8a]20[/color][/sub] | [sub][color=f64a8a]Female[/color][/sub] | [sub][color=f64a8a]Shadowhunter[/color][/sub][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xtR9Xp2.png[/img] [indent]Florence is an exceptional beauty. Her porcelain skin flawless, clear and radiant, like Heaven’s Light. In it is the divinity of the Angels, yet in her sapphire-hued eyes, there is weakness, as well as a powerful essence of elegance. Her eyes demand that you look at her and respect who she is and where she comes from. Her full lips will give you exactly what you need to hear at the moment it calls for. Her raven hair will lure you like a fish to the worm, slowly baiting you until she captures you. And as she has you in her sights, her lean figure will keep your attention. Her average height/weight matters not, for Florence more than makes up for it in how she dresses. When you lay your eyes upon her for the first time(or many times after that), you will see Florence in nothing but expensive fashion wear, usually dresses. If not, then definitely top-of-the-line blouses and long — or short — skirts. She is not one above dressing a bit provocative, but only if the situation demands it. But you can expect that florence will [u][b]always[/b][/u] wear candy apple red suede heels. Regardless of what she’s doing or what kind of outfit the situation demands, this is the one nonnegotiable thing when it comes to Florence.[/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/H1CakQj.png[/img] [indent]One could say that Florence exhibits certain characteristics that could define her as having a “superiority complex”. Well, to that, she would say “you try being born witha prestigious name”.This isn’t to say that it’s intentional, but being raised the way that she was, there are certain quirks that have been fused into her mannerisms that show a slight lean to acting entitled. She does mean well, but there have been moments where Florence would scoff at someone simply for their position of power or the way they looked. Florence is probably one of the most confident women you’ll ever meet. Able to emote this through her actions, when she tackles a project or finds herself having to call out someone on their errors, she will do it bluntly. It wouldn’t be so bluntly that it would undignify her of her elegance, but surely enough to get that she disapproves of certain actions that have been taken. When she’s not showing her confidence threw blunt dominance, Florence displays it in another way: her ability to command a room without speaking. This is partially due to her last name, but it is also due to how she doesn’t need to speak to have eyes gawking at her. Or, at least, that’s what she likes to think. Truthfully, she knows they talk about her, but she doesn’t let that affect her. Francis and Estelle had engraved it into her so many times that, while they may whisper amongst themselves about you, know that it’s when they stop that you should worry. Bask in the attention, and let it fuel you to higher ambitions. And when the first moment came that she took notice to them talking about her, that was when Florence made a mental note that she would not give anyone the satisfaction that their whispers affected her. She, instead, carries herself as if they don’t matter. And should they try to bring it up to her personally, Florence would make it her mission to take them down. Either directly, or through multiple stages of the worst pain inflicted. You simply do not cross a Soverntera.[/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fMVxDQy.png[/img] [indent]Florence has trained extensively in all forms of martial arts that the Shadowhunters have made available. Daily body conditioning from when she could first walk(and knew how to properly tone her body) has built up her stamina moreso than the gift of her angelic blood provided. Her reflexes and strength are above the average Shadowhunter. Even so, where Florence really shines is her tactical skills and precision with her weapon of choice: two short swords just an inch shorter than the average short sword. While idle, she keeps them sheathed on both of her hips. The blades are like all Shadowhunter weapons: black sheath, white like the light of their Angelic father, Raziel. Florence’s usage of her marks are only to ensure the maximum potency of her fighting style. Mainly, she utilizes the runes to enhance her dexterity and stamina, which is a must since she moves around a lot, hopping about like a rabbit. Her arms are deadly, and when two short swords are put into them, coupled with the Agility, Equilibrium, Flexibility, and Precision runes, her ability to strike without so much as a missed beat is enhanced immensely. Of course, there are some side effects of going about this specific style of fighting. Even for someone gifted with angel blood, even for Florence, who is someone that holds herself above many, it exhausts her because she activates so many runes in one go. Due to this, she limits herself to short time periods. The most she allows herself to fight with so many runes active is three minutes. Assuming, of course, if there are multiple enemies in sight and not those who would provide different approach. For that, she relies on her comrades to aid her.[/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Xj7rwzD.png[/img] [indent]Whether it’s in the Downworlder Community, the Shadowhunters, or even the Mundanes, the name “Soverntera” is famous to all. To the Mundanes, they are prime real estate tycoons, coming from a long line of real estate agents, even dating back all the way the Middle Ages in France. Of course then, it was more elegant than in modern times.But to the rest, they are known as one of the oldest families with Shadowhunter ties. And such a reputation would undoubtedly put enormous expectations on any member of that family, including the only heir to the Soverntera name, as well as fortune. This “heir”, is Florence Annabelle Sauveterre, born to Real Estate Moguls and Shadowhunter Royalty, Francis Vincente Soverntera and Estelle Anastasia de Sauveterre. Her birth was in Paris, France, with her date of birth being on the eve of the Winter Solstice. Whether it was the light from the full moon above the Paris Shadowhunter Institute or something else entirely, but those present could’ve sworn that Florence Annabelle was bathed in a shimmering light for the first five seconds after her birth. Any time after that, however, she was a normal, blue-eyed baby with little, black hairs sticking out of her smooth head. Ever since that day, there have been whispers among those high in the Paris Institute hierarchy that Florence had a lot of potential. Because of that, when Florence was old enough to know what she was and aware of the world she lived in, her parents put her through a rigorous training regimens that not only built her up with knowledge dating back to the original Shadowhunters all the way up to the current, but they trained her every day even after she received her first rune. It got to the point where all of the lessons and sparring became her new normal and it was imprinted into her framework so that she did it without even thinking: mornings spent doing some “light reading”, afternoons spent working on certain parts of her abilities(runes, weapons training, body conditioning), and evenings/nights were often spent sparring with whomever was available at the time. Usually, it was her younger sister, Vivian, who, while not at Florence’s level, had an admirable skillset that allowed Florence to flex her muscles when it came to fighting. Roughly three months into the year of 2005, there arose a scandal surrounding the Soverntera family. Namely, it was around Florence’s parents. Apparently they had been secretly funding a group of Circle-sympathisers for some time now. No telling how long they had been doing, or if they were the first ones to do it, but when the Claive caught wind of it, both Francis and Estelle were charged with treason, and sent to the City of Bones to await their trial, a trial that has yet to begin even in the current year. So, five years the formerly-esteemed head(and his wife) of the Soverntera family have been rotting away, all the while, Florence had to suffer for five years, bearing a cursed name - a name that no longer held prestige, only shame. She had to do it alone, but that didn’t wither away anything her parents drilled into her time and time again. Regardless of what they did or whether or not they were innocent or guilty, Florence refused to let their error in judgement fault her in any way. As far as she was concerned, she was the daughter of two amazing Shadowhunters. And, even if she had to do it by herself, she was going to find out what really happened. If there was anything that her parents always told her, it’s that there are always two sides of every story. Don’t come to conclusions without first covering all ends. There is always something that they aren’t telling you.[/indent][/color] [/hider]