[quote=@Sapphire] The best of friend ships are, our characters will make juice together with the hard sound rifle, because I've decided that's what it does when you shoot fruit with it. (since there's no legit thing that happens) --- Also a bit of background for the Hard Sound Rifle, for any one who cares at all, is that it actually comes from a 2004 promo for Halo 2 called/referred to as "I love bees." Now yes I am a high school senior so that might make you say, "Hey, thats bullshit you couldn't know anything about 'I love bees' unless you read it on the Wiki!" Well that is a good point buuuuut my dad was really into it along with the rest of Halo (still is) so we've talked about it often, especially recently since these video games are one of the few ways a middle aged man and a teenage/young adult female can find something to talk about without it being a parental lecture or just boring. ANYWAYS, back to the sound rifle, it was mentioned in the story line as a very useful assassination weapon because it leaves no residue or physical signs of injury, it causes a brain hemorrhage. It's fast, foolproof, and fun. Also very clean and basically untraceable. It was mentioned in reference to a political assassination where they wanted it too look like an accident. Essentially the Hard Sound Rifle is [i]All of the murder and none of the mess![/i] Also you could make a great infomercial with that tagline, just sayin. [/quote] You'll have both me and Iowa interested with that. It's a shame he doesn't have any physical weaponry to show off