[quote=@bright_Ops]Turning to look down at the knight he had captured while ignoring the suited man and the open carriage door for the time being, he quite bluntly asked "Who are you and why did you attack us?"[/quote] The oddly cold light cast by the morning sun had aligned serendipitous with the fallen knight's visor, revealing to Fortune the mist of gaseous blood that was evaporating off of the man's face from the injury to his eye, thankfully obscuring the wound itself. With Fortune's foot pressed firmly to his gorget, the knight managed to sputter out a single word in answer. "Suffer." If he had intended to say more, it was lost amidst a burst of hacking coughs accompanied by hoarse hyperventilation. There were no remaining weapons on his person, and both of his armor-clad arms with trembling faintly on the pavement; the fingers twitching ever so slightly. [quote=@WiseDragonGirl] "I can't do much more and I have a patient to see, but I can give you a little more of my time if you care to explain about who sent you here to suffer and why. And I don't suppose you know Tafans? A Kanuri boy?" It was worth a shot, even though he doubted this man would know the whereabouts of the patient he was supposed to see. The one who most likely knew that was the recently deceased driver. [/quote] "I...I nuh tha name..." The thug's eyes were still wide as spotlights, staring without sight at the space behind Andreas' head. "Boy...et by a lion?" An abrupt and deep, red hue had spread across the man's entire face, and neck - and his arms as well. "Wa go. Heh saw tha trud. Three. Wa three. Sha lied." [quote=@PlatinumSkink]‘…’ Immediate problem, Amelie had never even seen a real gun before. Of course, she knew the theory and seen them in movies, but… What was ammunition? What was safety? What could be moved? Making sure not to touch the trigger and point the shooty end at the ground, Amelie checked for moving parts and options, trying to figure out all the preparations…[/quote] [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Kriss_Vector_SMG_Realistic.png]In her cursory inspection[/url], Amelie nonetheless managed to to discover that the vector had a collapsible stock the hard way, with the stock's butt hinging slowly and eerily downwards as she lowered the gun, its motion as unnatural as the rapidly fluctuating gravity. [quote=@Doc Doctor]Donny's left hand flickered out of his coat, a shadow of a blur. Unless the gentleman driving the Royce had the reflexes of a boxer and the instincts of a soldier, he'd scarcely be able to react to the small object being tossed through his open window, a hard, ovular thing which could easily roll under a seat.[/quote] The driver had been looking right at Donny with a bemused expression as Donny issued his rhetorical question - and so had a full-on view of the concussion grenade as it was lobbed directly past his face, bouncing off something unseen behind him and falling to the floor. Eyes widening, the driver lunged against his seatbelt in a manic but futile struggle to leap out the window - and shouted a warning. "Grenade! Get-" Was all he had time to say. The only reason any of the occupants survived was because they had already been in the process of stepping out of the car. The man who flung himself out from the left-hand car door was a huge figure with a face reminiscent of steel rebar, wearing a suspiciously bulky carmine-colored suit and sporting a trim, military haircut. He was halfway through curling into a ball as he leapt, but the shockwave caught him mid-air and threw him straight down into the ground, his face and chest both smashing against the cobblestone street with a sickening noise that was lost amidst the chaos and the doubtlessly ensuing tinnitus. The man then [i]bounced[/i] - floating back up into the air off the street, drifting slowly up towards the roof of the adjacent building. His eyes were still open, filled with blind shock and pain - stunned and battered, but alive. Whether anybody who had been getting out from the car on the right side had managed to make it out in time was unknown for the moment. [quote=@PlatinumSkink] [color=ded0a4]‘What do you mean by “stragglers”?’[/color] She asked, mildly hostile in her voice, eyes darting in-between the man and the opening doors, prepared to raise a Redirection Orb at any moment. … And then Donny threw the grenade. Amelie’s eyes widened in surprise and she dashed to get to hopeful safety, a bit further away, not turning around until she heard the explosion and confirmed she was safe.[/quote][sub][i][color=ded0a4]'You could have stopped him, you wretched little witch.'[/color][/i][/sub] Back by Andreas, the thug with the arrow stuck in his knee had not fared well from the effects of the explosion. Diminished though the shockwave was after working through the car, either it or the tremendous, explosive burst of noise had been more than enough to push him over the edge. His eyes rolled up into his skill, and he fainted, mouth agape in a groan torn from the air by the rush of noise. The pedestrians who had started to reappear on the street were suddenly nowhere to be seen again. The air, previously cool and dry, now seemed to suddenly be getting hotter. Much hotter. Very quickly. Though only Luca was still able to even hear it, the levitating sphere's ominous hum had not changed - the new sound that had just started was similar, but came from elsewhere. It was pervasive, but faint - coming from somewhere over his head, but not from any other particular direction...