Andy listened to the words of the wounded man with a frown, it was hard enough to make out what he said with that... accent of his and now he mentioned a lion? Here? And three? A woman lied? He tried to make sense of that as he noticed the abrupt and deep red hue spreading on his skin. Immediately his mind tried to link that symptom with everything that had happened here. He looked around with a thoughtful look in his eyes when he noticed Donny tossed a grenade into the car. With nothing to hide behind he just dropped to the ground with his arms over his head. After the explosion and the shockwave, which left his ears ringing for a [i]second[/i] time that day, he got back on his feet. "Will you stop killing people!" he shouted, almost at the same time as the ticking boy screamed a similar sentiment. As far as he had seen the people in the car hadn't shown any signs of hostility, why did this man blow them up? Without any proper warning to the people standing here too. One look at the man he had treated learned him he had lost his consciousness, but there really was nothing he could do about that. Maybe measure his blood pressure, but even if there was something wrong there, there wasn't anything he could do about that. After an exasperated sigh he looked at the sky, at least it was getting warm now. Quite warm, to be honest. And pretty fast too.