Jean landed smoothly. Maria and the siblings had landed just before him, but he couldn't yet to see them, thanks to the darkness. They had landed slightly farther than him, but Jean started to strip his parachute harness as he had trained. Jean assessed his surroundings as he took off the harness and started to fold his parachute. He didn't want to be surprised or be ambushed by the Germans. He didn't spot any threats, for now. Ying-mei was parachuting just behind him, and the others were still in the plane or jumping from the plane, taking their time. [i]What is keeping them there? Fear of heights?[/i] Jean thought for a second, but the threw the thought away. [i]Now is not the time to look down on them, Jean.[/i] Jean took his rifle, loaded it, and started to look for Maria and the others. They had fallen to the countryside surrounding Paris, but Jean didn't yet to have a clue where they had precisely been airdropped. There were a few fields and a forest nearby, but the darkness made it difficult to spot anything farther than a few metres. And Jean couldn't shout, either, as noise would attract unwanted attention. He then heard a sound. It was the sound of a person landing, but not too softly, or so at least sounded to Jean. Jean approached the place carefully, and he kept his rifle ready, just in case if a curious German patrol had also heard the sound. Jean soon found Ying-mei, on the ground, tangled in her parachute. She appeared unharmed. "Nurse Liu, I presume you enjoyed the flight?" [@ayzrules]