Maxi was very, very useless in all the fighting. His first instinct had been to take cover behind the first thing he could, which were a few boxes of something or another he didn’t plan on checking. It looked to him like the majority of the enemies were firing upon Grayson and co., or the ones actually doing the shooting. Lucky him. He kept his head low and his bot to his chest as all the fire whizzed around him, and he didn’t poke his head out until it was absolutely safe. Damn, these people knew how to clear a room. He whistled as he sat back up from where he was hiding, carrying his cube over to the now gathered together group. “Geez, you guys demolished those bots. Nice” he said, though mostly to himself. It looked like no one was injured, which made his job about ten times easier. He listened when Stryker announced the plan through the comms, and Grayson asked how they’d split. Someone he hadn’t has the (mis)pleasure of meeting spoke before him, and headed off before anyone else put in input. Rude. He pouted a little bit and hoped to pipe up in suggestion, but he didn’t have the chance. The next thing he knew, men armed to the teeth and wearing a very unmistakable uniform came charging into the room. Grayson spelled it out verbally, but by that time he was already well aware of the danger he was in. The second he saw the threat he kicked into motion, hiding back behind the boxes he was at before. These were troops, not just regular bots; push come to shove, he’d have to try fighting. He put his bot under one arm (the fact that it was broken and he had to carry it in such a dangerous situation made him twice as angry at the dense moron who broke it) and took out the laser gun Grayson had lent him. It would be impossible for him to reload the ballistic at all while he had to carry his bot, so the laser seemed the best choice. There was no way in hell he’d leave his cover to start firing, however; only if someone came to him and he had no choice. He’d die if he started firing like some of these people.