[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wRqxjA1.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sWuLhNV.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=Lightgreen][b]Physical Description:[/b][/color] [list] [*]21 years of age (based upon the story beginning in the Year 926 of the [i]Universal Calendar, or UC[/i]). [*]5'6", 120 lbs. [*]34-22-34 in. [*]Dark brown hair. [*]Blue eyes. [*]Has rough hands from working the field day in and day out. [*]Has a slight limp from a past knee injury. [/list] [color=Lightgreen][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Outspoken. [*]Never educated, cannot read or write. [*]Hard working. [*]Dreams of a better life. [*]Thinks life is unfair and hates the nobility for having so much when she doesn't have anything. [/list] [color=Lightgreen][b]Background:[/b][/color] [i][u]905 UC:[/u][/i] [list][*]Born, the eldest daughter of Mira and Hector Blake, poor peasants that worked the fields. [/list] [u][i]910 UC:[/i][/u] [list][*]She didn't receive any form of education due to poverty. All she was ever taught was how to tend the field, how to harvest grains and how to raise livestock. This kind of education started at the early age of 5. [*]Another sister was born into their family. There are three of them now. [/list] [u][i]914 UC:[/i][/u] [list] [*]In four years time, two more siblings were born into the family despite the fact that her parents were having difficulty putting food on the table. [*]She would often go to sleep without dinner so that her younger siblings would be able to eat. [*]She would often disappear into town to watch the nobles, wishing for a good life like they have. It was also the first time she saw the Count bring his daughter to the Duke's castle. [*]Envious of the small blonde child, she sneaked into the castle, where she had seen Paul practicing with a sword. [/list] [u][i]918 UC:[/i][/u] [list] [*]The youngest in the family, the only boy and the favored of both parents, died. His death depressed her mother so much that she soon fell ill herself. [*]Without her mother to help out in the field, most of the responsibility fell on her shoulders. She began eating less, saving most of the food for her siblings and her mother. Her father was almost always away, trying to find a way to earn more for his family. [*]She began hating her life. [*]She often saw young Olivia visit the Duke's castle. Because she had everything, Sophia began hating her the way she hated her life. [/list] [u][i]920 UC:[/i][/u] [list][*]She was approached by a man name Crone. He asked for a plant called Belladona in exchange for a few pieces of silver. She needed the money and so she agreed to the trade. The next few days, she and her family were able to fill their stomachs for the first time in a long while. [/list] [u][i]924 UC:[/i][/u] [list] [*]Her father died due to an accident in the field. Her mother, hearing the news, sank to depression and once again fell ill. A week later, she died as well. [*]Left with three younger sisters to care for, she began doing odd jobs in town. Once in a while, she would do sexual favors for the men in town in exchange for money. At first, she thought herself dirty for doing it but in time, she got used to it. It put food on the table, after all. [*]She was later approached by Count Barker who made a deal with her. Something that involved Paul Cranston, if ever he returned. The amount offered was too large that she agreed readily. And the idea of rising in rank and finally improving her way of life by seducing Paul was too tempting to pass up. [/list] [u][i]926 UC:[/i][/u] [list][*]She didn't really believe that the deal between her and the Count would push through until Paul returned. [/list]