[@GrizzTheMauler][@KimmiNinja] [b][color=ed1c24]Caspen[/color][/b] Caspen rolled his eyes as Lizzie left. She was a little brat, that was for sure. Of course, that statement was validated when Gunnar came threw the door. "Gunnar, they got you on a tight leash. Do you bark like throwing good puppy you are?" his eyes traveled to Alice. "See? Plenty of humans. Besides," he sticks his fingers to the girls neck. "She's alive. She'll die anyway but she's alive. Whether she suffers for a few more hours or you let me put her out of her misery is up to you." ~ [b][color=92278f]Tarquin "Quin"[/color][/b] Quin played with the hound before looking up, way up at Magnus. He could tell something was up. He always knew. That's what happens when you know someone all of your immortal life. "Iron Giant, are you okay? " he said being dramatic about his height by straining his neck more than necessary.