[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ihhZg00.png[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=aqua]Broker Of Fortune[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] That Nova was smart enough to try and mask his approach with flung fragmentation grenades was a laudable effort, Broker had to question both his sanity and explosive capacity if he thought to cross 400 feet of ground through the Ivory Mask lines in order to close in on the tank. If the roles were reversed she'd have been using that tactic to retreat rather then advance...though if the roles were reversed, she would actually be defending the gates so none of this could have escalated so far. [color=aqua][i]If I only went to the damn Festival, this wouldn't have needed to happen.[/i][/color] She lamented for all the good it would do, in other words, none. Yet she would find herself pausing in the act of demolishing what paltry cover Blue Nova sought shelter behind when a startling display of unfathomable pyrotechnics rained down on upon the Ivory Masks that had breached the Blue City's gates. Given her position was off the mark, she had the luxury of watching it pound the earth into a shrapnel laden ruin from a safe distance. The cause of this would likely be a mystery to most of DGO for some time, though the ensuing message Broker of Fortune received dispelled any air of mystery. [quote] To: Dark Wraith From: Broker of Fortune [i] You know, if you happened to be omniscient before this point, it really could have come in handy corralling idiots onto their proper battlements -_- You want an explanation? You [i]really[/i] want an explanation? 'Cause I've had one helluva day and so far watching you bomb the Blue City doesn't hold a candle to the resurrection of Corpse Collector or a computer program posing as a player trying to mind rape me like he did Maribel! That's a tip off, by the way. Mole's in enemy camps tend to provide them, and the first one is free. Now for the love of god stop bombing the Blue City. I've got to loot what resources I can and it would really help if it wasn't all bombed in non-existence. Eclipse Princess is tied up here and White Sun hasn't logged in yet, according to the guild registry, so maybe bombing the Green army over by the Harley's might prove more useful. Just a thought. [/i] P.S. STAY AWAY FROM BLUE JOKER! P.P.S. C.C. is reeeaaaaaaaaal pissed off. Might want to tell Moon Rider to watch her neck out there. [/quote] The message may have been a bit...passive aggressive, but Broker felt a little entitled to be pissy with people when DGO was getting turned on its head. [color=aqua]"Now to deal with last of the Bruisers here."[/color] With a crank of a lever, the King Tiger cycled to an alternate ammunition and was soon aligned with Blue Nova's hiding spot. It fired and released the canister round within, perforating Blue Nova's direction with an expanding cone of ball bearings at high velocity. [color=aqua]"Napoleon, eat your heart out!"[/color] [@Lucius Cypher][@KoL][@Lord of Evil]