[hider=Aaron Bachmeier][b]Name:[/b] Aaron Bachmeier [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Gay & Demisexual (does not experience sexual attraction until he forms a personal connection) Place of Residence: Krishnov Castle [b]Appearance:[/b] Aaron is a beanpole if you've ever seen one. Standing at a staggering 6'5" and weighing a measly 150lbs for most of his adult life, he's long and lean and undeniably lanky. However, the strict diet and exercise regime he’s been on for the past two years have put a layer of wiry muscle under his mottled skin and brought him up to a healthier weight of 165lbs. His skin is a common German white, although the hypopigmented patches on his hips, legs, hands and face make the rest of his skin look a little tanner by comparison. His eyes are an eerily vibrant blue, though his left eye has a wide band of dull hazel on the bottom right [url=https://68.media.tumblr.com/086e526e0492a068dc970203c7fe7785/tumblr_n9afx8FspD1qkji5jo1_500.png](example)[/url]. His dirty blonde hair falls a bit over his ears and just under his eyebrows, and is dotted with premature grey. A starkly white forelock grows above his right eyebrow. (more on these abnormalities in Extras) [b]Personality:[/b] Aaron was once a gentle and trusting soul, a passive individual who couldn’t stand the idea of violence. Now, he isn’t so trusting, and much of the vibrant and excitable young man he used to be is buried under a bowed head and downcast eyes. He does what he’s told, eats what he’s given, and does his best to minimize his suffering. (to be developed further IC) [hider=Bio (went a little ham whoops)]Bio: Aaron was born one half of a set of twins to a single mother in Munich, Germany. Born deaf, his fascination with language developed early: by the time he was ten he had mastered German Sign Language, had a decent (though hard-earned) grasp on spoken German and was working on ASL and English with a tutor in school. Growing up, Aaron and his brother, Mitchell, were inseparable. Mitchell learned to sign right along with him, and the two could often be seen in the corners of schoolyards, chattering away with their hands and snickering at the other children who couldn’t understand them. While Aaron had always been a kind and passive soul, Mitchell was fiery: If anything happened to his brother, he was the first on the scene to stand up for him. Their relationship was the most important in Aaron’s world. As he grew older, Aaron became fascinated with music. At first, he would sit at the old harpsicord in their Munich apartment for hours, slamming the keys to feel the different vibrations. Later, he learned to play properly (though he still enjoyed playing odd melodies that were fun to feel vibrating through the floor) and revealed himself to be quite the prodigy. By the end of high school, he was an accomplished young pianist and blossoming composer, and landed a complete scholarship to a prestigious music school in Stockholm, Sweden. The goodbye to his mom and brother was tearful, but he quickly fell in love with his studies as he worked to become an ordained conductor and composer. Two years into his schooling, Aaron was well on his way to becoming one of the youngest professional composers in Germany, not to mention the Deaf community, and his university was proud to have his name attached to theirs. Unfortunately, good things don’t last forever. Aaron was waiting at a train station to go home for the summer at the end of his second year. He had just been leaving the restroom when someone grabbed him with incredible strength and covered his mouth with a foul-smelling rag. With all the people in the station, he hadn’t felt the vibrations of their footsteps approaching behind him. The captor was a vampire, ten times stronger than Aaron could ever hope to be. It only took seconds for Aaron’s futile struggling to subside to clumsy efforts and eventually to unconsciousness. When he finally woke up, it was days later, and he was weak from blood loss after his first ‘feeding’. The vampire woman who had kidnapped him would have torn him apart and eaten the pieces had she not been strangely calmed after the first few gulps of his blood. Aaron’s memory of that night, and the few days afterward, is hazy at best, but he did come around eventually in one piece aside from some cuts and bite marks, and a lot of lost blood. This vampire woman was smart, and she knew that whatever intoxicating effect his blood had could fetch a good price with the right buyer. After keeping him to herself for a few very draining months (most of which is a blur to Aaron) she sold him to a noble vampire family for a very pretty price. The family put him on a very strict diet and exercise regime to keep his blood at optimal quality, and kept him around for two or so years. Understandably Aaron wasn’t thrilled about the arrangement, and missed his family dearly. However, he knew better than to try and fight these creatures, so he did what he was told and kept his head down. Eventually, the family came upon some financial scandal and decided to sell Aaron once again to avoid losing everything to their name. The Krishnovs paid handsomely for Aaron, and he’s been living under a similarly strict regime in the Krishnov castle for almost a week now.[/hider] TL;DR He’s a musical genius with weird blood that apparently makes vampires high. He’s new in Krishnov castle. [hider=Likes & Dislikes (I got a bit carried away)][b]Likes:[/b] - Playing piano (he likes to feel the vibrations) - Drawing - Writing music/music theory - Conducting - Thunderstorms (he loves the smell of rain and the rumbling of thunder) - Sunshine (he likes it more now than he used to - he doesn't see it much nowadays) - Smooth fabrics, like silk or fine linen - Anything that makes him think - Anything visually engaging (puzzles, things that refract light, beautiful scenery, etc.) - Deep voices - Languages - Nice clothing - Warm drinks (especially ciders) - Sweet pastries - Percussion and bass instruments [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Lip reading (that shit's difficult!) - Being forced to speak (he has great trouble speaking and it makes him feel foolish) - Drawing - Darkness (it makes him feel helpless and unsafe) - Busy places - Being talked to by more than one person at a time - Coffee - Flutes - That weak/woozy feeling after losing a good amount of blood - Being mocked for his condition (both his deafness and his appearance) - Most alcohol - Being separated from his brother - Butter - People talking behind his back (literally) - Lawnmowers[/hider] [b]Extra:[/b] - Aaron was born with a genetic abnormality called Type II Waardenburg Syndrome. As such, he was born deaf in both ears, and possesses some cosmetic abnormalities. These include patches of hypopigmented (read: lack of pigment) skin, prematurely greying hair, mildly heterochromic eyes and a white forelock of hair. This genetic abnormality had another effect on his physiology, one that would never have been noted had he not been taken as a vampiric food source: an intoxicating effect of the blood. While he has a very common blood type (A+), a vampire who drinks his blood will experience an intoxicating effect. Some only experience it mildly, finding themselves calmed and relaxed, like a human smoking a cigarette. Some experience a more intense sensation . This effect lasts roughly an hour and the feeling of satiation brought on by drinking his blood tends to last longer than drinking genetically normal blood. - Aaron can read and write German, English, French and Swedish, can speak German and English (although his speech is notably… different) and can sign ASL (American Sign Language) and GSL (German Sign Language)[/hider] Here he is, he's weird and he'll probably be edited sixteen times enjoy