[@Emma][@GrizzTheMauler][@KimmiNinja] [b][color=0072bc]Niklaus "Nik"[/color] [/b] Niklaus sighed once he left Dashiell's quarters. It was always hard seeing his brother in the tower, alone except a single servant and the occasional visits he got from Nik. He would try and talk to their father again but he knew it would have to be behind closed doors. When he got back to the first floor, he could hear commotion from a variety of places. He could here Caspen being Caspen and could see Tarquin out the window with Magnus. Everything seemed normal enough. [b][color=007236]Dashiell[/color][/b] Dashiell plopped on his bed with a smug grin once Niklaus left. It was just too easy to manipulate his twin. The longer he was in here, the easier it got but Dashiell had a back up plan in play just in case. He didn't lie to Nik about taking the burden off of him. He would take his place one way or another. ~ [b][color=ed1c24]Caspen[/color][/b] Caspen shook his head with the slight amusement as Gunnar left. He didn't care what he said. What were they going to do? Lock him away? Starve him to death? It's not like he was yelling to the world he was a bloodsucker. He even did it in the comfort of the castle anyways. "These guys are cramping my style, Alice. Let's go reek havoc somewhere else." [b][color=92278f]Tarquin "Quin"[/color][/b] Quin nodded, standing up in front of Magnus. Quin barely came up to his chest but he loved their height difference. "Turn that frown upside down, Bearded Sasquatch. Why don't I help repair that shield."