I feel lazy too when it appears that I haven't written quite enough, but often times we just need to be in the moment and not dance with the past and present of exposition. Actions can speak a lot louder than the words we place. Mako making an effort to reach out to Asami does a lot more for us as partners, and for him as a character, if he doesn't just sit there in silence while he sees and hears how badly Asami is hurting. I couldn't stomach the idea that he's just sitting here and not trying something, ANYTHING to try and make it right, no matter how little he can do at the time. So let's not care about length anymore. We've roleplayed enough together to know that we can go IN on some heavy exposition, emotional buildup, and all around rants and ravings pertaining to our opposites. As long as I'm not leaving you anything shorter than three or four paragraphs, I'll be content with that so long as we are continuing to move and enjoying ourselves. We have nothing to prove to anyone on this site, or each other. Life is tough, writing is sometimes tougher, and I'm glad we can understand that sometimes shit hits the fan for us in a variety of ways. AS LONG AS I AM NOT KEEPING YOU WAITING NEARLY HALF A YEAR AGAIN, WE SHOULD BE COOL! P.S. Don't burn his eyebrows off. He's an idiot, but he needs his meal ticket in tact xD