The fact is, he can't make it "right" cause it's never going to be "right" Asami is going to be mad at Mako. Yes, he came to her, which is good but the fact remains, he shouldn't have done it and had to go to her with such news in the first place. Of course, what's done is done. Asami wants to move on, her heart is breaking and its painful to even look at Mako knowing his lips were someone else's much less those of Korra. I think she's totally caught off guard by Mako's stupidity. (Thanks S1 writers...) Yeah, forgetting about post size is gonna be tough. But 3-4 for dialogue is already enough for most folks, besides backtracking with long posts in dialogue portions is hard. I'll admit it's a pain in the ass, so in order to not keep doing that, we can try to keep some parts more trim than others. We don't have anything to prove, you're right. I'll try to keep things more manageable. Though as I said, my next reply is already partly written, I'd just tweak it a bit and let them keep talking but also, there isn't a lot more to say on the matter. It boils down to Mako being stupid, Asami being hurt and them trying to get to the root of Mako's problem, whether its him and Korra or him and Asami. Hey GoT was like nearly six months in waiting, which is my bad. >___> But hey, it's funny we can drop things for a while and then pick them back. Or restart other shit. Like, no hard feelings. Life is life. I'm still hella stoked we're trying Masami yet again. I need them to be happy! That's all I want in this life. XD Someday Asami might drag Mako to a tattoo parlor so they can get match fire heart tattoos or some shit...