葛 馮虚 (コペンハーゲン・スター) A bemused smile graced the indigo-haired teenager's face. "[color=9d538e]It won't be too far of a walk,[/color]" she said with a light chuckle, turning away as to guide her underclassman along the right and proper path towards the Saizeriya. It was appearing as if any of the surprise she may have displayed in response to the sudden revelation had avoided detection by Akane, a fact that the older girl was truly grateful for; it would head off an unwanted and awkward conversation that was also quite unfitting to be discussed in a public venue, lest Akane was to further upset the fragility of her secret identity, and in the process even allow others to deduce that she, Katsura Hyoukyo and class representative of East Umitori High's class 3-G, was of same being as the magical girl known as Copenhagen Star. That was not a reveal she was actively seeking out. Having a secret identity was an immense boon, one that bestowed upon her numerous conveniences that she doubted would exist had she been publicly associated with Copenhagen Star. For example, her desire to enter the world of academia, and the scientific world, to be exact, could possibly be stymied by her role as a magical girl. Beyond the simple dint of having immense powers generally difficult to explain (and thus essentially placing firm expectations on her to do research that would actually be able to explain such phenomena, or putting her in the role of a willing research subject), there would great difficulty in what could be described as "being taken seriously" - ignoring the existing lack of females in her desired field of research and employment (particularly within her country of residence), it would be even harder not to question the authority of somebody with "magical girl" in their job description. Secondly, the media attention and public scrutiny that would be associated with such a reveal was not one that she was going to relish handling. Hyoukyo was a rather private individual, and having each and every one of her actions placed underneath the electron microscope was in a way quite disturbing. It was an inexorable connection between her and her magical girl exploits, and in the public consciousness she would forever be Copenhagen Star. No matter how much she appreciated the strengths afforded to her, it was also a duty, and to be linked permanently to that duty would never allow her a chance to rest simply as Katsura Hyoukyo. Lastly, she would have to explain to her family and that would just be really awkward. [i][color=54D1F1]Oh hey you're actually soundin' like yourself again instead of yappin' like an essay. Think I snoozed out at science.[/color][/i] She ignored the commentary of her fae companion, instead focusing upon the individual that was likelier to provide legitimately worthwhile information. "[color=9d538e]Do you enjoy Italian?[/color]" she asked as the Saizeriya began to come into view.