I think in his head, at least as I'm playing him, Mako believes that he can mend his mistakes THIS quickly. It's not realistic to think that, because Asami had not a shred of wrong done to him, and here he is enabling Korra to think that he wanted her over Asami. He's not dumb enough to think he's entirely innocent but he's naive enough to think that he can just 'sorry' and stroke her hand, and that'll make it all go away. But I'd prefer a Mako with unrealistic expectations over a Mako that was clearly into another girl and didn't respond to Asami the same. Sad. Yeah three to four with a dialogue-centered segment is actually REALLY good when you think about it. A lot of people I've rp'd with do considerably less. And since your next reply is partially kept, the next one shouldn't take any time at all. Not much to say, I know~ It was a long six months dude. A looooong six months. It actually baffles me how EASY we do this too. Like we don't give a FUCK, we'll drop something in a week and pick two more ideas up. It's addicting. Oh noooooo xDDDD I don't know about tattoos but they'll have some mutual token to represent their relationship. That's for sure.