[hider=Felix Twycross:] [center][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12530868_498742316999810_1877672688_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIxODc5NTQ4ODU4MTQ0MTMyMg%3D%3D.2.l[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] - Felix Twycross [b]Alias & Nicknames[/b]: - N/A [b]Age:[/b] - 28 [b]Place of Origin:[/b] - Birmingham, UK [hr][hr] [b]Blood Status:[/b] - Pure Blood [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] - Homosexual [b]Relationships Status:[/b] - Single [hr][hr] [b]Wand:[/b] - Willow – 13 Inches – Unicorn Hair - Springy [b]Education:[/b] - Felix attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Hufflepuff House. [b]Speciality:[/b] - Felix’s speciality is healing magic. [b]Experience as a Regulator:[/b] - Felix has been a Regulator for four years [hr][hr] [b]Biography:[/b] Born in leafy suburbs bordering Birmingham, Felix had a moderate pure blood upbringing. He was guided away from spending time with muggles and to focus learning the family business of hex construction, as he would one day take over. Always averse to the negativity of hexing and jinxes, Felix frequently clashed with his strict father who more oft than not retaliated physically. Hogwarts was then a blessed relief for the young wizard and he craved the freedom and opportunity that the school provided, quickly amassing a large group of friends and excellent grades. Yet, upon returning home for each holiday as ordered by his father, the arguments and subsequent beatings grew progressively savage throughout his teenage years. In a twist of fate, it was this very neglect that revealed Felix’s affinity for healing magic as he took it upon himself to learn the magic required to remedy his injuries. However, returning home amidst his fifth year, the argument to (literally) end all arguments between him and his father erupted. The family had discovered that Felix had gotten too close to another male student at school and it was not, in his father’s eyes, acceptable. As the fight escalated wands were drawn against own flesh and blood. As the verbal threats stabbed over poised weapons, Felix’s mother intervened, bursting through the doorway. Acting on sheer reflex, both men unleashed their jinxes at the new figure. His father’s experimental spell twisted and morphed with his son’s and both were left aghast at the petrified figure of their mother and wife frozen horrified barely across the threshold. Felix broke. He packed and left his ancestral family home, never to return. He hasn’t spoken to his father in over a decade since. At Hogwarts he withdrew from his social circles, not wanting to get close to anyone lest in prompt more hurt and despair and also in denial of his sexuality, the one aspect out of his control that he partly blames for his mother’s death. He threw himself into his study, excelling in herbology, transfiguration and potions, spending free time volunteering in the hospital wing to promptly train as a mediwizard at St Mungos. His skill as a healer, calmness in a crisis (whether through apathy or stubbornness is yet to be ascertained) and hatred of hexes and jinxes drew the attention of the ORO, who often needed more than an Episkey poet-mission. He is now curating a collection of research and cures for the various unusual maladies encountering on various ORO missions and spends most of his spare time in his office pouring over tomes and an unhealthy amount of Bolandi's Exquisite Crystallized Pineapple. [b]Notes:[/b] - Claimed Colour is [color=Coral] Coral [/color] - His Patronus takes the shape of a hummingbird. - Felix’s Bogart is the petrified form of his mother reaching toward him. - He loves reading, travel and apparently sounding like a dating profile… Well he’s pretty desperate.[/center][/hider] [hider=Impressions] [b][color=silver]Emory Corrigan[/color][/b] - “Oh Emory. The poor guy. Him and Daisy were so welcoming when I joined… Sometimes I question my own grief when I’m reminded of his. But the man needs to stop with that obliviating. I’ve warned him…” [b][color=Lavender]Isadora Albescu Fuji[/color][/b] - “Isa. I’m not gonna lie her contrasts kind of… unsettle me a little. Albinism I’m cool with, I love Max and we share a sweet tooth but despite this sweetness I guess there’s a hint of… well you know… *lowers voice*…death. Don’t tell her I said that though. But I’ve seen her affinity with thestrals and augureys and that feeling of when a patient is about to pass on… It just puts me on edge. She’s an awesome wolf though!” [b][color=blue]Nichole Arminstance[/color][/b]- “Ha. She’s a laff! That crazy wand of hers. If I had a galleon for every healing spell… well I wouldn’t be sat here, that’s for sure.” [b][color=purple]Florian Sabinov[/color][/b] - “Donnie! There’s something both incredibly, mysteriously attractive yet simutanously shit scary about that deadly Russian. Although if I were wandering into the unknown I’d want him to have my back.” [b][color=slategray]Kieran McMillan[/color][/b] - “My research partner and monthly pet – ha! Taught me everything I know about lycanthropy. His drive and dedication mean he’s a pleasure to work with and I’d like to go so far as to call him a good friend.” [b][color=dodgerblue]Velvet Gertrude Moon[/color][/b] - “A fellow Hufflepuff and knowledgeable on Muggle medicine, she’s a huge help to my work. Just keep her away from my equipment… Do you mind hanging on a sec whilst I go check the lock on the surgery? Ta…” [b][color=yellowgreen]Arthur Stone[/color][/b] - “One day he’s gonna be a fine silver fox. Have I told him that? Yeah I tease him with it ALL the time. Decent head on his shoulders and a true fellow academic. Genuinely a lovely guy.” [b][color=maroon]Natalia Jade DeVito[/color][/b] - “Love her! Seriously, if I was straight… But seriously I’ve even passed on some of her tips to Pomona. That girl can work miracles with our garden. I couldn’t do my job without her and Kieran.” [b][color=gold]Athos Du Vallon[/color][/b] - *blushes profusely* “Well…erm. Yeah he’s cool for a newbie. Anyone else you want to ask me about?” [b][color=fff79a]Sebastian Montague[/color][/b] - “Awwwww the little petit pois. Haven’t quite got the measure of him yet and I'm still not sold on divination...” [b][color=f26522]Richard Baar[/color][/b] - “Gloves… Maybe if he used a wand and not his fists he wouldn’t need me so often. And let me tell you: he needs to watch himself with those comments toward Kieran, or he can fix his own nose next time.” [b][color=004b80]Tariq Lerius[/color][/b] – “Now that's what you call a snappy dresser. He's always looked so calm and controlled even in some of the scrapes we've been in. But now you mention it, in all three years he's been here, we've never really spoken.” [b][color=teal]Zara Greenwood[/color][/b] - "Zara! My purple haired, star gazing Kiwi. Sometimes I feel as though we're the only mildly normal ones in this place." [b]The Caretaker[/b] - “Am I the only person that wants to know his name? Seriously? *sigh* That aside he does an incredible job and knows so much about seemingly everything. I wouldn’t still be here patching up some of these awful ‘incidents’ without his support.” [/hider]