[@Altered Tundra] [hider=Criticisms] So for starters, there's a few SPAG errors in your sheet, that I encourage you to check for. More importantly, though, I get the distinct impression that you may or may not understand certain bits of Shadowhunter culture. I want to suggest [url=http://shadowhunters.wikia.com/wiki/Shadowhunters#Colors]the significance of colours[/url] first, given the colour of the dress in her image- white is typically reserved for mourning in Shadowhunter culture- but more notable is the fact that candy apple red high heels are absolutely terrible for doing things in, let alone hunting demons, a task that requires a lot of dexterity to accomplish usefully, and cannot be a part of the usual combat outfit Shadowhunters wear during said demon hunting. Unless you intend for her to be generally non-combative, a la Jessica from The Infernal Devices - and looking at her sheet strongly suggests otherwise - I propose you nix the heels, at least for times when she's on the job. Furthermore, it seems like you're trying to make Florence... well, I have made allowances for super-special-awesome secrets about characters, as stated multiple times before, but just putting it out there that the Soverntera family is "Shadowhunter royalty" rather smacks of Mary Sue-ism to me - if they're so important, and the name's disgracing so significant, why were they never mentioned in-series? Additionally, their inexplicable delving into mortal society as real estate agents since what I can only assume is practically the start of their lineage as Shadowhunters is a bit odd, given that most Shadowhunter families don't get involved with mundanes and don't especially want for further wealth as it is - the Clave provides most of the necessary items for Shadowhunting, plus the allowance for spoils from legal Downworlder kills until the late 1800s would generally have been sufficient for stacking up wealth in many families until they were banned. And finally, a major sticking point: if she was born and raised in Paris, why is she now in San Francisco? That's not been explained, nor has the fact that her parents have yet to see trial after five years, in a society that is relatively much smaller than mundane society and should have no particular trouble trying them both within relatively short order. I suggest you either have her family move to San Fran some time before the charge, or have her be raised there from birth and displaced to the local Institute after her parent's arrest, and in either case, I suggest that you make said arrest a relatively recent phenomenon rather than a process that has yet to see a conclusion after an unnecessarily extensive period of time. [/hider] Anyway, that's just what I caught. If [@Nallore] or [@JaceBeleren] have any further opinions or points to mention on AT's sheet, please do so. [@Keksalot][@FantasyChic][@Eyeruption] If you guys are still interested and/or in the process of sheet writing, please say so.