Room for one more? Sorry, haven't RPed in a while, but this looks really interesting. [hider=Sealed Envelope with Application][img][/img] [b]Write your name legibly:[/b] [sub][s]Jena[/s] [s]Jeana[/s] [s]Jenna Long[/s][s]m[/s][s]worthy[/s][/sub] Jenna Longworthy [b]Age:[/b] 23? yes 23. Definitely 24. [b]Home Address (or where you might often be found):[/b] I have a small cottage on the lake west of Pigin's Tower. Please don't leave any mail inside. I don't think I have a key anymore. [b]Why are you filling out this application?[/b] I feel like my skills can be best used here. I'm quick witted and good on my feet; and filled with determination to never let a job go unfinished. [b]What do you know about the Tin Dragon Detective Agency?[/b] You're a group of librarians and mercenaries, right? Always on the road. Doing good and gathering worldly knowledge? [b]You're investigating the death of a young nobleman at his mansion. His wife tells you he had fallen down drunk after coming home from the pub. The butler tells you he'd never gone out, and simply dropped dead after his tea. The postman tells you he'd seen the young nobleman in an argument with a fairy earlier that day. What do you do next? Why? There is no wrong answer.[/b] If the butler says he never gone out, then wouldn't that mean the postman couldn't have seen him? I'd definitely keep the butler at the top of my suspicions, but first I'd visit the pub to see if I couldn't get any confirmation from the barkeep if the nobleman was there or not. If he was, then the butler was definitely lying. [b]The officer's son you're sworn to protect and your mother are both hanging from a cliff. You have time to save one before they fall. Which do you save?[/b] I... I can't answer that question. Sorry. [b]What is your favorite tea?[/b] Um.... Vanilla, I guess. [b]Please fold this application into an envelope and drop into your city's Tin Dragon tip box before midnight. You will receive our response within the week.[/b][/hider]