Duncan shrugged the one shoulder that Aliyah wasn’t using, making sure she realized he wasn’t trying to shrug her off. He actually liked having her want to use his shoulder to cry on - not that he liked her crying at all. But he knew the moment was emotional for her. “I understand. School is pretty much all I have known for 5-6 years. And really … longer than that. But it made no sense for me to just sit in a dorm room with all my winnings. I’ll be honest. You are the best thing that’s happened to me - and that includes the money. I mean, I am making good money with my books - and I plan to keep writing. It will be something to do while you are reading on long drives. “Today is more tax stuff, hiring people to handle my business, investors. I am afraid I’ll have several days of that .. and every so often a day or so for months. I’d say I’ll have that problem for at least a year - like until after next tax season. I also have to see lawyers about all sorts of money stuff. It’s boring, but has to be done.” He looked around the restaurant and looked a little guilty. “I almost feel bad about taking you away from them - almost. Uhm, something I just thought about - I hate cameras. Oh, I’ll tolerate them. I am just always getting caught in bad poses. Cameras are evil. But if you want to keep a scrapbook - pics or video - we can run and pick up some gear like that. “I made a list of Things to Do before we go. It has all the passport, clothing, etc items. If we need luggage .. that too. But give me a few hours to get my stuff done and I can swing by and help with the packing. Uhm .. just how fast do you want to pack up stuff like your bed at your place? I mean, after that I can make you a guest at Caesar’s until we are ready to go. I know you … you know … What I am saying is we don’t have to rush. I .. liked sleeping over myself. It was nice not waking up alone.”