Most current form for my CS, in case someone whats to make a weapon fit for such a Miester... [hider=Chaz Hoyt] CS: Meister [b]Color:[/b] [color=0066cc]0066CC[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Chaz Hoyt [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Chaz is a 5'4" tall 165 lbs. Student of the EAT class of the DWMA. With waist-long thick brown hair that more than one girl has been jealous of and admired, solid brown eyes, and a gymnastics physique it would seem that he would be one of the more attractive guys at the school. However with his uneven face (the entire left side of his face being almost half an inch lower and at a 3-5 degree angle to his right) and permanent 5'o clock shadow he is generally given a lower rating in attractiveness then your average descriptor would note. He generally wears dark blue jeans with a white under shirt and a pin-stripped black button-down shirt With black shoes. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Enhanced physical attributes-[/i] Chaz's strength, speed, agility, dexterity, endurance, and senses have all been trained to a very high degree, and augmented further by his soul training. [i]Critical Eye-[/i] Chaz has the ability to see other peoples strengths, abilities, movements, and weaknesses, whether they are in movement, mind, body, soul, or ability. This ability used to take several minutes when he first learned to use it, however with time and experience he can now almost always analyze his target(s) in mere moments excepting special circumstances. Note: The ability to see the strengths and weaknesses of the soul is not soul perception per se, as it does not allow him to detect others, he has to be able to see them normally and finds the souls capabilities based on the persons actions. [i]The Oneness-[/i] This is an ability that many of the best fighters have. With this ability Chaz can wrap himself in 'The Void' and shut out all emotion and feeling, as well as uniting all of his senses into one. This allows him a greater sense of everything going on around him as well as increasing his reaction time due to the lack of conflicting thoughts. [i]Intellect-[/i] Chaz is quite intelligent, being quite bored with most of his classes as he has already mastered the material. He is also very creative with his intellect. [i]Hand-to-hand Master: Precision and avoidance-[/i] Chaz has mastered a combat style focused on precision movement and accuracy that take advantage of his abilities. Note: Although his style is focused on avoiding the enemy's attacks he is quite capable of taking a beating. [i]Utility Meister Type 1&2-[/i] Chaz is capable of syncing his soul to any weapon and use it, as well as being able to wield multiple weapons at the same time, pending they are one handed weapons of course. [i]Genius Meister-[/i] With his ability to perceive and analyze the functions and abilities of a weapon Chaz is able to pick up and wield most weapons with a basic level of proficiency right away, mastering the weapon in a much shorter time frame then normal. [b]Techniques:[/b] [i]Perfect Void-[/i] Chaz pushes his ability in the Oneness past its limits and creates a sphere within which he knows everything within, and which also slows time down for him mentally increasing his reaction time and allowing him to think things through more thoroughly in a fight. This also decreases the amount of time required for his Critical Eye to work. However this ability has multiple limits, the first of which is its range. Without having his Weapon(s) with which to increase his control he can only extend this sphere to about 100' from his central core. Even with his Weapon(s) the reach is increased depending on the weapons range. However the absolute minimum range for this ability when augmented by a weapon is 150'. The second problem is that this ability shuts out everything outside of his sphere of influence, dampening the sights and sounds that could normally be heard. Note: an attack launched from outside the sphere that then enters it is just as easily avoided, if not easier to avoid, then one launched from inside the sphere due to it being detected at range. [i]Critical Strike-[/i] After Chaz has detected his opponents weakness with Critical Eye AND they are within his Perfect Void AND he has the means to hit his opponent with their weakness; Chaz can deliver a nearly undodgeable and unblockable attack that deals massive damage and more likely then not ends the fight. Of course this takes time, preparation, and opportunity and is usually held back as a last resort as if it fails the enemy can generally adjust to the attack. Further techniques to be based on Partner(s). [b]Equipment:[/b] Chaz keeps a music player and multiple sets of headphones, as well as his wallet, watch, small multi-tool (think leathermen), and a gold chain necklace on him at all times. When given time to prepare for a mission Chaz will also put on a vest and carry; water(Half a gallon), food (Both snack food and nutrition bars), a palmbook (Palm sized notebook), 3 pencils, 2 pens, a compass, a tape recorder (hidden and can be started covertly), some basic first aid supplies (bandage roll, gauze pad, antiseptic/cleaning agent), a flashlight (Wind up, not battery), and a pair of books. The vest, although sturdy is not combat rated and is usually removed before combat, to be retrieved later. [b]Personality:[/b] Although usually friendly, helpful, and compassionate Chaz generally keeps to himself, only really hanging out with his partner(s) and a few friends; and even then he usually hangs in the background reading one of his romantic fantasy novels. Occasionally he can fall into what he calls a 'Dark mood' during which he is somewhat volatile and irritable. When this happens he usually goes off on his own to cool off and reset. However, during combat all of this changes and he becomes a fairly effective team leader, as he is normally the fastest at finding his targets weaknesses, as well as who is best able to do what. Not only that but due to his oneness he is generally more aware of the battlefield then his comrades, and can ignore the emotions the lead to hesitation, a critical asset on the battlefield as it can prevent the loss of life or the failure of a mission. He will always do his best to keep all of his teammates alive, sometime at the cost of the mission depending on the missions importance. There has however been more then once where his teammates (or partner(s)) have told him he is wrong, in which case he will consider what they say and act accordingly. Whether that is continuing with his actions or changing them will depend. [b]History:[/b] Chaz was Born in Death City 16 years ago and lived a relatively normal life until Asura broke out of the ground during the Anniversary when he was injured and his dad was killed by a crumbling building. Not only that, but his mother was driven insane by the sudden release of the madness wavelength coupled with the death of her husband. The next couple years of his life, during which his mom committed suicide, was him pushing himself to the limits of his physical and mental capabilities and beyond so that he could become a Meister, a goal he accomplished when he was fourteen and invited to the DWMA. It wasn't long until he was put in the EAT class and was going on missions. He has been training hard and been going on mission after mission since then. Chaz keeps a gold chain necklace and a beat up wrist-watch with him at all times as mementos of his parents, and anyone who messes with either often end up injured. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b]None. Raised himself in the orphanage and was far to dark at the time to make friends, plus, he spent too much time training. [hider=Sample:Chaz's Average Morning] [center][h2][color=0066cc]Chaz Hoyt[/color][/h2][/center] Chaz's eyes opened as he was lying on his bed. A quick look at his watch told him that it was 4:52am, a full 8 minutes before he had to get up. Again. [i][color=0066cc]Why can't I sleep until the alarm goes off?[/color][/i] With a sigh Chaz rolled out of bed and headed towards the basement where he kept all of his workout gear. Chaz started out with his "Body Weight" training which in reality included quite a bit more weight than just his body weight. He had grown past that stage a long time ago. Chaz grabbed his heaviest weight vest for today's workout and the started with the one handed pillar push-ups, after doing 500 reps with one hand he switched hands and did another 500 reps. From there he did pull-ups (one handed of course), crunches, high jumps, long jumps, jumping jacks, and a number of other various exercises. Half an hour later, when he was done with the weight training he switched to training his agility training, followed by half an hour of running on a treadmill. Chaz finished up his training at about 6:30 and went and took a shower, fixed himself a quick breakfast, and at 6:50 left his home with one of his books in his hand and started on his way to the DWMA. As he was walking along he ran into a woman trying to carry way too many things at once, as usual. Chaz shook his head as he approached and said, [color=0066cc]"Hey Chloe, your doing too much again. Need some help?"[/color] Even as he said it he put his book down and grabbed some of the heavier items from her hands despite her, rather feeble, complaints. After putting the things he grabbed down, and Chloe thanked him, he grabbed his book and continued on his way. [/hider] [/hider] I am working on a weapon character in the background, but would prefer working with someone for variety reasons.