[center][h1][color=007236]Troe Revinah[/color][/h1] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/51d1/f/2013/136/2/6/sorcerer_by_boolucole122-d65j3r2.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] Inteacting with Everybody I guess [@Suku] [@dabombjk][@Bright_Ops][@alexfangtalon][@AluminumDude][@Chieri][@Levias][@Lugia][@eisenhorn] [color=007236]"I would understand that if we were facing something we could face outright, but all of the reports from the refugees showed that even the most experienced warriors were overwhelmed. While a trial by combat seems like the only way you'd be willing to allow her along, I'll have to object given your reasoning."[/color] Troe said retracting his earlier statement after hearing from the others. "[color=007236]It would be foolish to assume her combat ability is going to be of any consequence in a mission that is going to require us to avoid conflict at all cost. Besides, she's only hitching a ride for the trip and...I have a better compromise in mind."[/color] He continued. Her ability to fight would likely not be an issue, not that he doubted it anyway. [color=007236]"Miss, I'd like to ask something difficult...You are a refugee, correct? If so, I'd like to ask a few questions about what you witnessed. Any information, even if it only confirms things we already know could be vital."[/color]He turned back towards Artyom. [color=007236]"If she can do that much, I will personally vouch for her passage."[/color] He doubted Artyom would agree to such a trade, but he also knew that it wouldn't matter. He had respect for the tenacity this girl showed, even if it was a bit foolish sounding. [color=007236]"Besides, I'm not exactly after the money either. I have questions that's answers can only be found back home. That being said, those answers will most likely be quite helpful in our mission."[/color]