I'm currently stuck aboard the [i]SS Chrome Isn't Responding Do You Want To Close It?[/i], so I might be a bit late getting my pre-weekend post up, and I'm supposed to be "being helpful" today by letting a friend attack me with pins and manning a sewing machine. [quote=@TwelveOf8] Feel for to ask about my recent posts if you're unsure about their continuity with the rest of the story. [/quote] Ideally, I'd like to let the Above Ground folks get a post in, and then do the split-in-two post, because it helps me keep the two groups (sort of) together in a time sense at least. If that makes sense. Which I'm not sure it does. The general gist of it is that I'm comfortable splitting people up in terms of location ([i]and I'm happy to do this, if you need to go your separate ways for a while![/i]), but keeping them vaguely simultaneous makes it easier to bring people back together afterwards. Right, I am going to make a pot of tea, hand out some scones and hope for the best. Sorry, as ever, for the rambling.