Yerbol was reeling back towards the entrance of the office from an elbow to the chest, attempting to find the breath that had suddenly left him upon Illesia's decisive blow when he heard Aria's suggestion. Thankfully Voldon and the dogs were giving the head Xiis enough trouble for her to be distracted for a few moments, Yerbol weighing the suggestion's ramifications as quickly as he could. [i]I'll do what I can, but it's going to be difficult to keep her connection severed. It's almost as if with every hit she gets on us her communion with the Force gets stronger.[/i] He dropped to both knees, regulating his breathing just as he did before the chaos of their battle started, eyes closing as he told his companion: [i]Just keep her off me. If I can get a few minutes with her focus redirected, then we might have a shot.[/i] With all the focus he could muster, the Champion reached out into the swirling vortex of energy that occupied the dervish of a battle, stretching his mind to grasp to the strains that led to Illesia. It wasn't that difficult to find; the normal gold-yellow tendrils that symbolized the connection one had to the Force were raging around Illesia, wrapping around her body and lashing out at others simultaneously as they mirrored her movements in battle. He seized an opportunity when Voldon threw her against the shutter to Saresh's office, the split second of stillness allowing him to forcibly grasp her connection. An inexpiable surge of energy thrust through Yerbol's body as he began to rip the tendrils away from her body, shrieks of agony coming from their would-be oppressor. "HOW DARE YOU!" She howled, wildly dashing past Voldon's attempt to stab her in the heart, her talons raised for vindictive slaughter. When she was within a few feet of the meditating Champion, a solid flash of black fur rammed itself into the oncoming Xiis' stomach, blood spurting from an already existing gash made by one of Aria's blows as she collided with the opposite wall about ten feet away. Taral grunted in approval at the effect of the gesture, glancing at Yerbol quizzically before returning to Aria's side for further instruction. "YERBOL, GET UP!" Voldon barked, sliding towards the younger Force user, head tilted in the recovering Xiis' direction. "NO!" Chwuq whined, the protest followed by another scream of pain from the Xiis, blood pooling on his lips before she spit the viscous fluid on the once pristine carpet. "This power is MINE! MINE ALONE!" Voldon attempted to repress a chuckle, but couldn't, watching the Xiis get to her feet only to fall to one knee, breathing coming in labored gasps. "Why don't people like you ever learn?" A moment of pity came and went in the Elder's mind as he added: "The Force isn't yours. Or mine. It's ours to understand, not use." "BANAL PHILOSOPHY!" She growled, wobbling as she stood upright, her already tattered clothing nearly rags at this point, exposing even more of her chiseled frame. "The STRONG survive! The pathetic, the useless, the ones who will not USE their power are meaningless!" There was an even more crazed, frenzied look in her eye, as if something inside her that was on the edge of being pushed over had indeed fallen off, crashing loudly. "I've heard that far too often." Voldon commented with a sad half-smile just as Yerbol opened his eyes, dropping to all fours, coughing violently. "A waste! ALL OF YOU!" "The feelings..." Yerbol clambered to his feet, the coughing wearing off as he finished: "Mutual." Illesia's eyes darted from one attacker to the next, head swiveling to find a window obstructed by an emergency shutter. Before any of them could protest, the Xiis darted towards the window, jumping gracefully into the air arms forward, allowing her razor sharp nails to slice the metal easily as she fell down into the belly of the planet, Yerbol watching her disappearing form with bittersweet satisfaction. "She's going to survive that." He commented with a shake of his head. "That wouldn't surprise me. I've seen people a lot less powerful than her survive a lot worse." Voldon looked to the duo with a relieved smile. "But for now, we can confidently say we've earned some measure of victory, eh? Well, minus the gang members who may still be attempting to enter th-" "Nope!" Junoco's voice rang clearly through a speaker embedded discretely in a nearby wall. "Nope, they're all taken care of!" "And how in Force's name did that happen?" "While you were fighting the nearly naked Xiis woman, cabinet members in here were giving all sorts of orders! Alliance Troopers have taken a number of gang members into custody and are currently patrolling the undercity! And it's all thanks to yours truly." With a roll of the eyes, Voldon instructed the smuggler to stay put before telling the two: "You've seen enough action for one day. Both of you. I'll take care of matters here and get the rest of the Council on holocall in the war room. Go find a place to rest." ___ Finding a place wasn't too difficult, seeing as the newly minted Alliance headquarters had several quarters for visiting diplomats and other important figures. Once pointed in the right direction by one of the surviving aides, the duo and their beastly companions found themselves in a well appointed suite with a king sized bed that dominated the center of the room. "I'm just...just gonna..." He plopped onto the edge of the bed and without another word wrapped his arms around Aria's waist, head on her chest, shoulders collapsing. For all of his bravado, his idealism and his willingness to carry Aria through the hardest of times, it was he that needed the lift this time. Thankfully he knew that his lover was more than up to the task.