[hider=Jennifer Jureau] [b]Name[/b]: Jennifer "JJ" Jureau [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Place of Birth[/b]: New York City, New York [b]Sexuality[/b]: Bi-curious at most. [b]Relationship Status[/b]: Single [b]Occupation[/b]: Mathematician [b]Power[/b]: Regenerative healing [b]Cost of power's use[/b]: Instead of making someone else's wounds and injuries disappear altogether, Jen will absorb some of the damage if not all of it. [b]Appearance[/b]: JJ stands at about 5'7 and has a tongue piercing. [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTAzOTg3MzY5NzZeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDk0NDc0Mjcx._V1_.jpg]Character image[/url] [b]Skills[/b]: To say she's good with numbers is a big understatement. JJ also has some computer code knowledge. Additionally, on her down time, she enjoys some kickboxing training. [b]Personality[/b]: JJ is a very rational person, mainly due to her specific upbringing at home. She stopped believing in Santa at a very young age, and when her friends were mesmerized by something they didn't quite understand, Jen always ruined the magic by providing the most logical answer she could up come with. Needless to say, she more or less remains the same person today. She's obviously not a woman of faith, and she never was. Jen is as much of a book nerd as she is a social butterfly, although depending on the circumstances, sometimes one trait trumps the other by such a difference, that it leaves those around her feeling somewhat perplexed. [b]History[/b]: Jennifer was born and raised in New York City. She comes from a family of intellectuals--her mother is a neurosurgeon, and her father is an engineer. Being that she's an only child, JJ was heavily influenced by her parents' passion for science from an early age. She had a small group of friends, but she also spent a lot of time behind books. Maybe this side of her stemmed from her environment, or maybe it was genetic. But more than likely, it was a combination of the two. Jen's "drug of choice", so to speak, was numbers. Her favorite class all throughout elementary, middle, and high school was always math. In high school, she was offered various scholarships for universities, and she accepted them despite the fact that her parents could very easily afford her education. At the ripe age of 25, Jen earned her doctorate degree in Mathematics from NYU. That same year, she moved to Buckehead after she accepted a position at a local research university. All was going great for Jennifer until that ill-fated Saturday evening. Being that she and her parents made a rather decent donation to the Wildlife Foundation hosting the gala that evening, they were invited to the event as a gesture of gratitude. Her parents still live in New York, thus it was only Jennifer who was in attendance from the small family of three; a decision that she'll forever regret. [/hider]