[center][h1]The KGDF Headquarters: - [color=red]TOKYO[/color], JAPAN[/h1][/center] REX walked about the halls of the KGDF headquarters, watching as the other androids, among other human staff, walked by as they went about their daily business or the matter of preparing to move the American androids back home from the far-Eastern bases they had all been relocated to. Yet despite this, REX himself had received additional orders and paperwork from back home, which according to these meant he had actually been transferred to this facility on a permanent basis. It was an odd set of orders, but ones he naturally would accept, if naught else because the Metal Gear had enjoyed the better quality quarters and such here, and the commander herself seemed to be a strong and disciplined individual. It was all at least better than the hangar that he and his few other American Metal Gear brethren had been living in before, though admittedly he had become quite accustomed to sleeping on a basic military cot before having been moved here. Having been here a while, however, REX had become accustomed to the winding halls and such of the base, and it was not like he felt he could get lost at this point in time. After his new orders had been transferred to him, the KGDF seal of approval already stamped on it, he had been told to check in with Commander Yashiro about what his permanent accommodations and such would be now that he had been transferred to the Japanese base. This situation itself made him wonder, however, just what the American government was thinking by moving him here when they were supposed to have been making some room for the gijinka during their bases' maintenance and such. Perhaps it was to donate American firepower as thanks for the Eastern Bases holding the American gijinka? Did they just not want him anymore back home? Whatever the case was, REX had decided to take the matter in stride, keeping the cool look on his face and letting out a small sigh as he felt the glances of a few of the female employees on the base boring into the back of his head. At any rate, the last he had heard was that the Commander was moving up to the glass command center. So with that in mind, that was where he was making his way towards. Eventually arriving at the metal door into the command center, the door whooshed open with its telltale sound, before REX stepped inside and looked about for the stoic commander. Eventually, catching sight of her, the Metal Gear simply moved over towards her, giving a salute as was his habit before beginning to actually address her. [color=gold]"Commander, as of today i have been transferred to this base after approval by the KGDF and American government,"[/color] REX said, his voice not torn nor excited, simply bearing his neutral and rather stoic tone of voice that seemed to be the normal for him, [color=gold]"I have been told to report in to you about where my permanent accommodations and will be and what roles i am to perform here."[/color] [@Lmpkio]